
Anyway, I’m starting to think that reflective decorative vinyl is The New Thing on the cutting edge of what’s cool in cosmetic car modding, and Block’s Raptor here makes extensive use of it with an extremely interesting and unique pattern covering half the truck.

He did not start it. Literally every desert truck I see in San Diego has the bumper chopped off like that.

I mean, is there any other use for a bumper???

Rosenstein looked like the classic humiliated wife of a politician caught in a sex scandal, standing in stoic horror beside him as he “mea culpas” (see Mrs. Sen Vitter, Mrs. Sen Craig, Mrs. Gov McGreevey)

Rod Rosenstein had the same look on his face during the presser that I had after I ran into my dad’s new car with my bike when I was 10 and left a big dent in the door. All I kept thinking was that if only there was only some way I could reverse time that would make it all better.

This atrocity deserves the profanity.

Well that’s just like your opinion, man.

“looks classy, the classiest. I’ll take 12"

Don’t forget the billions of gallons of toxic coal sludge!

“Take the shot.”

This. I guess Conan is supposed to scour Twitter every night, and make sure his staff hasn’t stolen anyone’s jokes?  

It’s also just as likely that some overworked staff writer, under pressure to make Conan funny, subconsciously or deliberately lifted a joke from a Twitter feed and passed it off to Conan as their own. It’s Twitter. Joke was probably stolen in the first place. 

He’s sucking in his gut so hard in this pic the edges of the frame should bow inward.

at which the skaters were each awarded £100 for winning the “Worst Slam” category.

Let’s not rush to judgement here ...

“Walls, very good. They work great. Everyone on the Night’s Watch knows it, who don’t the dumb dems?”
Later: “Too bad about the wall. The Night King is just like the Dems, destroying our beautiful walls to allow all the murderers into our great country.”

“Oberyn Martell? Everyone says, ‘Oh, he so smart and handsome.’ I knew. I knew. You put him in there with Gregor Clegane. Now there’s a real military man. Blam-o! Not so handsome now. Never would have bet on Oberyn. Not smart. Not smart.
I bought all the teeth he lost and sold them to some Chinese business people. One

What would happen if it came out that Trump was a huge Game of Thrones fan?

Oh, everything's stolen nowadays. Why, the fax machine is nothing but a waffle iron with a phone attached.