
The tuxedo is already a pretty absurd outfit that has basically zero practically. Who cares if the dude has a little extra fabric on an already absurd outfit. These dudes need to make their way back to the Incel forums they crawled out from. 

“Uranium One” is one of my favorite squares on my Sean Hannity bingo card. It’s right up there with “Phony Dossier”, “Deep State Media” and “Bleached her hard drive”.

Subscription to stitcher premium was well worth never having to hear a damn Leesa/Casper/Blue Apron ad read again. Plus the CBB archives are gold and Teachers Lounge is great if you like CBB.

Oh my god this was great. Benny Shwaz is one of the funniest dudes and has such a quick wit, they’re great together. Can’t wait for 1/31 next year to watch again.

A lot of people (Sean Hannity) are saying this. It’s funny, he doesn’t even try to hide it anymore. This is literally verbatim from Sean Hannity’s garbage mouth.

Ali G reboot???

I’m so confused by his rant. Who the hell are these hypothetical “leaders” who are not treating everyone fairly and themselves taking advantage of the current system if not Trump and the republican party?

Aw man I can never get enough of British parliament. Also what’s the difference between an honorable and right honorable person??

Wait, I’m confused, are you saying this would impact the average american? And that the minuscule transaction tax talked about in this article is going to reduce their 401k by 50%?? Your average american should not be trying to time trades or participate in this kind of bull shit trading. You’re out of your mind. 

Let me fire up the ol’ Big Money Definitely Does Not Dictate All U.S. Policy Decision Machine(R)

Arizona, the only state that can hold a candle to Florida in terms of batshit crazy meth/rat poison/divorce stories.

I fucking love British politics. I never have any idea what they are doing but it seems so much more fun and endearing than what our terrible (on both sides of the aisle) politicians are doing.

Trump is the best speller, I’m sure it was on purpose. He was just saying “bye” to the English language and the tenuous grasp he previously had on it. So long, and thanks for all of the memories!

Man, he’s given up on any sort of restraint on the Russian stuff. At this point he looks crazy guilty as he continues to rant about it. Outside of the liberal outlets like MSNBC does anyone care?

I didn’t have much knowledge of this case and only recently started learning about it.

I love how he makes it seem like this is the first time anyone has asked him about a development in Russia.

As the importance of these ballot measures grow, so too, it seems, does their complexity.

As an OC resident (and Dem) I enjoyed this article and it hit close to home. After a while you get used to it but the amount of wealth here is incredible. And unfortunately that money has dictated the policy for a long time.

Michael wore it better. 

LOL. Just imagine what the nice midwestern couple who was out here on vacation thought when they were checking in at this otherwise mundane Holiday Inn.