
So she does have a limit to the lies that she will tell?!?!

Another cringe-worthy WH press briefing. Kristjen was so hostile and confrontational with the reporters I’m amazed that they still let journalists attend and ask questions. It’s crazy to think that this is the government that is supposed to represent what we want as a country.

Let’s all shed a little tear for the defense companies... Combined they made about $6B in PROFIT last year, and collectively got to keep a couple billion extra due to the tax cuts (which basically went directly back into the stock prices, great trickle down!).

Yep. I’m sure all of the handmade cards that the kids made for daddy when they were young (With the exception of Ivanka’s, those were definitely cherished) were torn to pieces and “filed” the same way he does with all of his documents. Almost makes you feel bad for him.

Yep! Can’t wait to hear how Hannity spins this one.

Yeah I suppose I’m a little skewed out here in Orange County. The average house price is probably north of $750K and they usually sell in less than a week and well over the asking price. A lot of cash offers so I am always wondering what normal family can afford that type of thing.

Damn. Every time I watch highlights of him I think “man I should be out there hitting one handed back hands, its so easy”.

Does anyone know if people using residential real estate as an investment (like foreign investors buying homes sight unseen with cash) is having a big impact on this?

So if he’s on his 3rd divorce, is he paying alimony to all the women? Or once you divorce and remarry that wipes the old alimony out and replaces it with the new one? Or once you’re a dinosaur you no longer have to pay it?

I haven’t seen it mentioned anywhere else but could this just be a ploy by the North Koreans to buy some time? We all know they totaled their nuclear facility. Since then they’ve been much more willing to talk. I’m thinking they do this dog and pony show for a few years and buy some time while they rebuild??

“Oh, and he stood in front of half a dozen American and North Korean flags”

You know what else is occupying his time while he is supposed to be preparing for some VERY VERY serious meetings??? Being a petty bitch on twitter. I like how he doesn’t even deny the comment, his only comeback is some weak burn on Obama.

You know what else is keeping him busy while he supposed to be getting ready for some VERY VERY important meetings?? Being a petty bitch on Twitter. It makes me so happy that he actually reads through the comments

Yep especially since he was lobbing insults at all of our closest allies the day before meeting with them

Man, I can’t believe I made it all the way down to this repetitive conversation, but is this really the hill you want to die on? The fact that California  wants cars that pollute less? I can kind of see where you’re coming from but with all of the other issues in our government regarding states vs. federal rights is

hahah of course they want someone else to pay for this little vacation. Maybe that was the invoice that was dropped off in that large mysterious envelope at the oval office?? No wonder the other guy had such a sly smile on his face.

Taken at face value, this meeting seems to be a step in the right direction. We’re having talks with a country that has been a global threat for decades. If we can get some sort of peace out of it that would be great for everyone, and as much as it pains me to say it, I would give Trump some credit for the deal.

I say the same thing when people bring up Oprah running. I’ll never vote for a billionaire. You don’t become a billionaire by being a good person.

Give it up with all this standing bullshit, it’s so exhausting. Can’t believe anyone believes the shit that comes out of his mouth:

Oh god, he’ll fit right in: