
I’m not trying to be a Luddite here but how long until we get to the point where we, as a civilization, give up on acknowledging anyone else in public and just disappear  into our own little bubbles when we’re in public? 15-20 years? I feel like phones & headphones have already done a pretty good job getting us

I had to look him up, now I’m going to yell that out every time I see one of the new Discos.... FREAKIN GERRY MCGOVERN!

5th Gear: I’m sure there are plenty of responsible motorcycle riders out there, but for some reason I don’t think the Venn diagram of “responsible motorcycle riders” and “people driving for Uber” would ever have enough overlap for me to give it a try.

A buddy and I were just chatting about the new Disco just recently. We both agree that they’ve really gone a bad direction in terms of styling. I think the LR4 was a great looking vehicle- enough squareness to make it different without looking like a box.

Do these people know something that we will soon find out?? MSNBC said something like 43% turnover in key positions and 5 gone in a month...

What is that supposed to mean? A child could get in one and lay down a 3 second 0-60 time... that seems pretty cool to me.

I might be remembering incorrectly but wasn’t it Chevy/GM that was blasting the Ford trucks for the tailgate step??? Now that they’ve made it exponentially more complicated and convoluted it’s cool?

My dad is getting up there in age and has bad hips. He uses his truck to tow his travel trailer around and this step is about the only way he can easily get in and out of the bed. So necessary? No, but definitely super helpful if you aren’t a youngster capable of jumping in and out of the bed.

San Diego here and can confirm. I always joke that the Tesla is the new prius for the rich down here.

Given how badly we did, can anyone who knows about skating comment on whether including Ashley Wagner would have helped our terrible individual showing?

I know we’re not going to solve the world’s problems deep in the comments here but I couldn’t agree more.

I had an odd conversation with my family about the armed officer last night. I feel like it’s so easy to jump on the guy for being a coward but how many of us would have rushed headlong into a barrage of heavy fire??

Sometimes I put on the local right wing AM radio station because I’m a glutton for punishment and I love listening to Hannity talk about the Dossier.

Lol you’re right Mike I can’t understand the basics of skiing!

I get so tired of these “what if” scenarios. Seriously what do you as John Q Public have in your home that is so valuable, a group of 3 heavily armed professionals is going to come and take it by force??? And this supposed thing of value is so valuable that the other 2 guys will keep pursuing you after you’ve shot

I was laughing about this last night with my girlfriend. I think it was the girl before Goggia’s run he was talking about how mediocre she was skiing and how slow she was going, her tuck wasn’t good, then she hit the split timer and she had the fastest time of the day. He immediately switched to how fast she was going

The girlfriend just pitched the idea of seeing him in Vegas, I was on board until she slipped in the part about the cheapest tickets being $350... After taxes and fees you’re pushing $1k for 2 tickets?!?! That’s like the combined cost of David’s last 4 vehicles!

Same problem with the women’s halfpipe that I watched. You could see the riders being blown off course. We couldn’t believe they would make them compete in either discipline in that weather.

In college I worked at QT (QuikTrip, which is a great gas station if you’re in the central US and Arizona) and we had a strict policy to not do anything if someone stole something or did a beer run.

I remember cutting out those pictures from Transworld and hanging them on my walls back in the day, what a great article, these guys are legends!