
Anytime I see an article about lobster I immediately think of DFW... “Consider the Lobster” is definitely worth the 30 minute read.

Quick Sheriff Joe story...

Can someone fill me in on all the hate for Rafi? Are most of these the normal Russian troll/Trump fanatics or did Rafi actually do something to deserve such hate???

The second I hear someone pronounce the word important, “impordant” I tune out. The guy talks like a child.

As a casual UFC fan and admitted outsider, i’m starting to see the problem of not having any name brand stars (which Deadspin has reported on in the past as well). I’ve seen a few clips of some of these guys but I have no idea who most of them are. Is there anyway for UFC to get back to the days of having guys that

LOL, yeah you wouldn’t want anyone stealing all of your used fantasy paper backs! Fantasy paperbacks are going to be the new bitcoin, just wait.

Yeah Tom McSuckland, Fuck you for sharing your opinion with people who were actively looking for it. You should be fucking fired for not recommending a car that owners have to justify owning by saying it’s “temperamental”.

I cringe when I think back to the job interviews I’ve had in the past where I was grossly under qualified and not prepared in the slightest.

Cutting across 4 lanes of traffic to make a right turn from the left turn lane? We call that one the Uber right!

A specific meat tax? Why not start with charging people what it actually costs to raise the meat instead of subsidizing? I know BIG MEAT is woven into the fabric of congress and that would never happen, but should it really only cost a couple of bucks to buy a pound of meat?? Seriously you have to raise these animals

Found hurling a couple years back on youtube. I’ve since added seeing a game in Ireland to my bucket list. It’s the perfect combination of quidditch and real sports (hockey/baseball/soccer). Non stop action and crazy suspense when they have the free hits (no idea what they’re called) so it’s a fucking blast to watch.

Holy shit that is a sweet looking contract... Nice cars, family taken care of, private jets and so much money. Crazy to think this is a for a government employee to coach kids playing a game. Now if only we could figure out a way to make college more affordable...

Ha, what about that layup attempt that led to the pump fake?? I haven’t played basketball in a while but is it bad when the ball ends up farther away from the rim than when you shot it???

Regarding Chinese, can confirm. I spent countless hours studying (with plenty of C’s to show for it) in college and a year in country and I still feel like I have the language skills of pre-k child. Don’t even get me started on that Beijing-r accent!

Reading the book “Collusion” by Luke Harding and this only goes to further cement the idea in my mind that we are fucked more than we know.

As a person who lived in beijing for over a year and traveled to Delhi for work you can’t imagine how terrible it is until you’re there. I tell people that it’s pretty much like having an old mercedes benz diesel idling directly in front of your face all day. Even our worst day in the worst polluted city in America

Holy shit those F1 cars in that second video are so damn fast.

Wow, who would have known?!? I’ll take the Dick Weber 45' please (Pete can suck it).

As an Arizona State graduate I can confidently say that Burfict is the biggest piece of shit to ever come out of ASU. And that’s hard to do when honestly, the only thing that is required to get into the school is that you write your name on your SAT (you don’t even have to spell it correctly, and it probably doesn’t

Good to know that the 5 minutes I spent bashing my head against a brick wall after reading your comment won’t have any long-lasting effects on my brain!!!