Crocodile Tears

The amount of outright lying exposed by cops since the invention of the bodycam is truly startling. They know they are being recorded, and yet still lie constantly and commit crimes, to the point that basically anything before, say 2010 or thereabouts, we should assume all the cops lied all the time, about everything.

To cover up his tracks, the 28-year-old told investigators he had been looking at texts sent by colleagues”

Why isn't he facing criminal charges? Oh right, badge = license to kill

So where is he already working?  Next town over?

In his defense, he likely saw something coming....

But don’t you understand, the goverment doing anything for the good of its citizens is SOCIALISM. And half our country is conditioned to think it is always bad and must be stopped!

I assume /s, but to be fair, their rationale for merely dipping their toes in the BEV pool was not “hydrogen is the future” so much as “we think most Americans would buy a PHEV/other hybrid before a BEV” and, well, it seems to have been a good decision.

Another one of those “if I was in the right location, I’d get this” cars (see the Fiat 500e “free” lease deal). It’s not feasible while living in Cleveland, but if I was 15 minutes from a hydrogen pump? Take my monies

If they throw in a Hindenburg, I’m in!

Couldn’t happen to anyone nicer than the local VW dealer that wants $10k over sticker for an

Car Dealerships: “We don’t want to sell your electric cars!”

I am excited for our future of opeds by Boomers screaming about how car insurance is so expensive and then climbing into their battering rams, flipping their LED headlights on high because of the night blindness they don’t have, and then pulling out, one hand on the wheel, the other on their phone with the mic pointed

Trump “renegotiated” NAFTA back in 2017. It was essentially the exact same deal that was already in place but allowed him to claim victory.

This all feels like a dystopian nightmare. Of course if even a fraction of these tariffs go into effect it will wreck the economy. And I find it more than ironic that while liberals have been proclaimed as communists by the right, its the right that is actually behaving like communists- complete with a cult of

(shrug) I trust a 101 year old to run the streets better than I trust a 78 year old to run the country...

Didn’t they start Making America Great Again with those hats? So moving stuff to sweatshops abroad :D.

Sweden does it right. Once you're of retirement age, one of your benefits is that the government will pay for taxis, anywhere you need to go. And they pay fairly, so you aren't waiting forever to find a cab. Senior citizens can get where they need to go in a car-centric society, but they don't have to drive. It's

Stop trying to apply logic to Trumpism.  They’re mutually exclusive terms.

I believe that it's possible to hold both these examples as bad at the same time. We don't need to 'both sides' this.

Absolutely correct. This is a policy failure.