Most Americans who feel that way have never known enough hardship to fill a postcard; privilege has its downside.
Most Americans who feel that way have never known enough hardship to fill a postcard; privilege has its downside.
Unfortunately a lot of Americans don’t seem to mind it.
World War Two still casts a long shadow,” Kraaijvanger told Wired.
God damnit. In my defense, I was blinded by rage.
“And yet, Texas is still so gerrymandered, even voting harder probably won’t be enough to get him out of office.”
You know how society advances? By learning more and becoming more knowledgeable as a group. The problem the far-right have with that is that the better educated the masses are, the less malleable they become.
A $110,000 Wrangler?
He made it gold, dude wants to crow over the plebs. He just didn’t count on there being so many of them.
I dunno man, at this point getting the official Tesla attention machine is a pretty tacit endorsement of Musk and his attitudes. He wrapped it in gold. He clearly wants the attention, but he thought it was going to be of the positive ilk. Turns out he was wrong.
Ahhhh yes, buying one of the ugliest and most obnoxious cars, wrapping it in the most obnoxious color possible, then putting a FAT QR code on the back doesn’t make him a huge attention seeker. He’s just upset about the type of attention he’s getting lol suck it up buttercup. Actions and decisions have consequences.…
Guy wanted a truck that would get him attention. He got it. More at 11.
There is always the possibility, and I know this may be a radical suggestion but hear me out, maybe this guy is just an overall douchebag and the hostility has nothing to do with the truck.
Methinks cowboy doth protest too much. You buy that Cyberjunk and wrap it gold foil because you want to attract attention and make a statement.
Ah back in the good ‘ol times when America was truly great!
I had never heard this, and it is absolutely insane. The FAA and USAF were just like, “you know what? Fuck OKC and everyone that lives there. Good luck folks!”
“In 1964, the Federal Aviation Administration used U.S. Air Force jets to bombard Oklahoma City with over 1,250 sonic booms to study the impact on the population.”
It wasn’t
Lol calling someone a pedo for no reason screams “projection”, and the conservative right in america are the posterchildren of “projection”
I think the article is a bit unkind to people with these stickers. There’s a difference between a CEO not being great on a personal level and the CEO being a Nazi hell-bent on destroying a free and democratic state. If we could only buy cars from CEOs where were great people, there wouldn’t be much to buy.