Crocodile Tears

Nah, he killed someone in the wrong tax bracket and the wrong color.

How many people did this?

Sounds about white.

See the court case Finders v Keepers.

By the time I got there even their breakroom was ransacked, so I didn’t even get a Hertz donut.

The most surprising part about all of this is that Hertz didn’t try to immediately arrest all of the customers.

Assuming you’ve never ridden, and noticed just how ridiculously wide a lot of our lanes are. Plenty of roads have plenty of room for lane-splitting with no imposition to cars.

A life lived in fear is no life at all.


signed, Every Motorcyclist

And yet here you are.

Good thing for those red states that Trump wants to cancel all of Biden’s infrastructure and claw the money back to give to Putin and Musk.

A solution in search of a problem: How to spread out the subcontract gravy train to the most congressional districts.

My windshield wipers are dull so I moved to Syria.

CTE mood swings

Crosby is a little shit that gets away with everything.

To be fair, when they put it to a vote only 15 of 19 Saudi players voted against participation.

I’m glad you remember, because Ronnie sure didn’t.

Now playing

Hillary Clinton: 65,853,516 votes
Donald Trump: 62, 984, 825 votes

“Equally” represented by the electoral college.

I remember when REAGAN had back channels with IRAN when he was running for president.

I wonder who shows up first: