
I don't even know why women keep following religions, there's nothing for us in there.

What about tackling and strangling someone? Maybe that’s not a sex offense, but surely tackling and strangling someone is against the law, whether you masturbate on them or not? How did he not get jail time for that?

If this is not the corner of Faux Woke and Male Privilege, I don’t know what is.

She said six hours, not six minutes.

These are men who went into the most dangerous places on earth with a job to defend us and made tough calls on a moment’s notice

Read the plot, read the reviews, read the competing fan theories, possibly even read the fanfiction, depending on who’s writing it (esp. cracktastic Good Place crossovers, given Mr. Harper’s presence)... basically, I may develop strong opinions about this piece of media I will not experience directly.

hi, same, yes.

I’m so glad I’m not the only one who does this. No, I will not watch your scary movie but I will read the entire plot on Wikipedia.

I want to watch scary movies but can’t stomach them. I, too, will take the spoilers even though I really want to watch Chidi on the big screen.

How the hell is a parent allowed to live in a dorm???

Let me be the very first to say: still would.

Now playing

But what does Brienne of Tarth want? The last 10 seconds of this interview makes me laugh SO HARD.

What would be the purpose of prison, in this case? What would be the restorative justice happening here? She doesn’t need to be kept apart from society. This country incarcerates more people for our population size than just about anyone. I don’t feel sorry for her, and I think she should have to make restitutions

How about instead of paying a fine, she’s ordered to give that amount to the general scholarship fund of the school she bamboozled? Give a chance to a low or middle-income applicant.

I regret I have but one star to give.

Reporters can risk sensationalizing a traumatic event by sharing explicit details of alleged abuse as a hook to garner attention, and that’s what it feels like Avenatti Jezebel is doing here.

Yeah even if it weren’t for a scripted scene, this bullshit logic is easily debunked by anyone who’s ever read a history book about any culture, from any period in human history. Feeling entitled to sexual access from people you despise fits perfectly into the dynamics of oppression.

I had to explain to my boss, a historian, WHO SHOULD FUCKING KNOW BETTER, that since Sally was a slave and the nature of that power dynamic of owner and owned, no matter what, NO MATTER WHAT, she could not consent since as a piece of property she did not have agency.

Yeah, I came down here to say that lots of slave owners probably deep tongue kissed the slaves they raped. But you said it better.

The ghost of Sally Hemings would like a word, Michelle.