
Also, cover the pan for a little while to keep the heat in.

Use thin sliced cheese from the deli. It melts better. Lower the heat so it takes longer for the bread to brown, too, gives the cheese more time.

I've tried it with cheddar and all I get is burnt toast and not quite melted cheese.

I have never seen nor heard of such a thing. Are you part of some Lost Tribe of white folks who wandered in the desert until even the most basic ancestral recipes were forgotten?

No microwave! Frying pan, or George Foreman grill, or anything but a microwave!

The microwave part makes me so sad ;o; put a bit of butter in a pan and grill it!!!

Except for all the ones that don't.

Ummmm....the point is that the majority of white people only hang out with other white people, but they don't even consider that as something noteworthy.

You really took it that way? I hear moms say stuff like that about babies all the time and have never thought it was meant sexually, because it wasn't.

One time when I was a teen I got high with one of my friends and we followed around this woman because we thought she was a witch because she was carrying a staff and dressed in a black trench coat with black makeup and wearing a weird hat but then I went up to her and asked her if she was a witch and she told me she

My husband and I once had drinks at Bar Bouchon in Beverly Hills, and Antonio Banderas was sitting at the next table. He was very low-key and acted like a regular person.

I met them both years ago at Space Camp when they brought their kids to camp. They both came themselves to check them in which kind of surprised me. They were the only celebrity parents (in my years there at least) who personally dropped off their kids and came to pick them up and attended the graduation as well.

So what I'm hearing is that Antonio Banderas is available?

I'm gonna get 'pizza' tattooed on my arm. That love will NEVER die.

Let's take this to the next level—Turduckenburdilla.

It's not a real taco until it's been dipped in blueberry pancake batter and deep fried.

Dear Dana,

Taco Town!