
I'm sorry, this is so damn JUICY. I thought I'd have to wait til Blue Ivy was a mom hating teen for something to leak from the Knowles camp.

Don't listen to the haters. Keep digging and compiling, I beg of you, please. I am emotionally invested in this and I need updates. I need a support group.

Stars! Can't they all just get along?

I feel like I'm back in high school. Where is the slam book? Did Solange demand the other half of her friendship mizpah back from Beyoncé? Who will have to move to another lunch table?

Stars! They hate their in-laws! They're just like us!

Here, for you:

Isn't that a summary of the entire internet though?!

This always happens to "developed" girls. Which is awful, in that the way your body exists is not necessarily within one's control.

I'm | too sexy for the dance | too sexy for the Dads | too sexy for the lads

Yes. Every. Single. Topic.

My "little" brother and I have beat up on each other since we were small. I'm still small, but he's become a giant (he's got about 7", maybe 100 lbs on me) , so if I playfully jab at him, he doesn't even feel it. When he punches me back, that shit hurts.

Rampant speculation aside....

Yes, I just used her as an example. However, even as awful as she may be, there are still moments of sympathy that the writers draw out.

I love how the characters in the series-especially the Lannisters-aren't black and white, good and bad stereotypes. No one in real life is an absolute and it's refreshing to see a story that also has characters who aren't. It's also nice to see characters everyone thought was 'good' like Arya show a darker side.

I mentioned to someone else - I think last night set up for that scene and it will likely happen in the next episode or two. She had a lot of people bringing her goat's bones before the one farmer brought a child's bones. And what Drogon did is the reason she chained them up in the first place. (Well the other two as

Tyrion may have screwed up, but Dinklage's performance was amazing. I'll be shocked if he doesn't get another Emmy for that final scene.

A damn good episode... You can actually see the moment that Tyrion's heart breaks. But in the books didn't the boy get eaten by the dragon as well as the goats?

I assume when Varys looks at the throne he's speaking metaphorically, not literally. He would rather be a kingmaker than a king.