
I would have to be hospitalized if this happened to GOT. True facts.


You never go full Cage. Everybody knows that.

They were just illustrating that time is a flat circle. Duh.

I feel you. I've always bought the explanation that they've kept women in the background to make a point about masculinity/rape culture, but at the same time, that doesn't PRECLUDE prominent female characters either:

What came to mind after watching the final episode was a documentary I had to watch for an anthropology class in college about an Australian Aboriginal religious practice only engaged in by men and forbidden to women. Essentially, the men would go out to secretive locations and worship female genitalia and the female

He's a good boyfriend, too. I just called him and asked if he would come over and fix the wobbly side view mirror on my car. He said he could do it but not until later tonight. Then I said well if you're going to come over later tonight instead of now, maybe you could bring dinner. He said he was planning on eating

He and Tilda Swinton should be cast as siblings.

My boyfriend, who grew up in Kentucky and whose mother refuses to talk to him about anything relating to his romantic life... He is thankful for this. He is also (much more) thankful for the federal court judge who struck down the law in Kentucky that didn't recognize marriages performed in other states (btw we need

Alright, so after nearly seven months of searching, I was finally offered a job! And I'm so excited. I'll be moving to San Francisco mid-April. I was wondering if any Jezzies have advice on moving to the city, or cool things to do when I get there?

i love it! in the original link,she mentioned a thanks to people who knew what her sexuality was from the jump and supported her. that part really got me for some reason.

That look of happiness and joy on her face when she hears her daughter is totally and completely genuine. A moment of pure human emotion and honesty in the sort of shitshow of performance bs is really touching.

And while she was parading around in her knickers. Pearls clutched.

totally worth clicking through to read the whole thing. this girl is adorable.

Just clicked to read the whole blog and my oh my... first time visiting myspace in a very long time.
That was a really fun read. She's funny!
"MOST HOLLYWOOD: Harvey Weinstein at the bar shaking my hand and saying, 'you know who I am.'"

In other words, you don't know who Peggy Noonan is, and rather than look it up, you made an uniformed and incorrect assumption.

Car-jacking: Non-consensual Zipcar

Kidnapping: non-consensual baby sitting

Non-consensual assisted suicide.

Also, guys, it's not murder, it's just intentional death inflicted on one person by another. NBD