
I still think that box of Samoas was great in Winter's Bone.

No. Next question: is there a corner of my heart she hasn't completely charmed/conquered? Also no.

Lupita is ripped! Wow!!

It wasn't too late on the West Coast!

Photographic proof she is a goddamn Disney princess:

Oh god.

Her speech was beautiful. Also: BENEDICT WAS CRYING!

Boo! Be nice to Liza!

Damn, Amy Adams.

Amy Adams for the WIN!

I believe my answer would have to be any color but orange.

Babies are heartier than that. It's not ideal, mainly because of their delicate immune systems. Regular feedings and sucklings will probably deal with the pressure.

This is not about the other guy - this is about you. For whatever reason YOU chose to see this other person - maybe you have needs that aren't getting met in your marriage, maybe you don't trust that things are going so well and are self-sabotaging, etc. What I recommend is that you get yourself into therapy pronto

I had my own version of this guy. On and off for 7 years. He was cheating and doing who knows what - but I'd go on a date and he'd lose his shit, confess his love and need for me, we'd be together, then he'd screw it up again. I finally quit when I realized he wasnt going to get his shit together.

Precisely. Steven King, Michael Creighton and Dan Brown were all one-and- done.

Dear Pyrax,

She'd never have made this plea to a male author. The world is always big enough for more male musicians and writers, but it shrinks right up for women. Anyone who makes a splash in the music world is always "the next ____" fill in the blank. The next Madonna, the next Sheryl Crow, the next Taylor Swift, the next,

She has a point. That's exactly how other entertainment industries works. The Seahawks all retired when they won the Super Bowl, Beyoncé will never make another album since she broke all those records, and tom hanks hasn't been in a movie since "Big."

"Enjoy your vast fortune and the good you're doing with it, luxuriate in the love of your legions of fans."

The mark of someone terrible at their profession: