
Yeah, I am disappointed that my first reading of "subway ads" instead of "Subway ads" was wrong.

Ah, Bieber's dad. The douche doesn't fall far from the tree with this one, I see.

duh foxy fox is totes fuckable!

Why would you be confused? The answer is obviously yes.

Tywin Lannister is plotting his next move in that tent.

That's not a tent used to protect from bears. That's a tent used to strategize where to move the archers on the field of battle: in front of or behind the trebuchets?

Back when I was Bieber's age, in that ancient year of 2007, we didn't smile in our mug shots. Get off my lawn, you kids!

People! Bieber is a young star crying for help. We should be praying that he gets that help, rather than mocking him and laughing...

I would send that out as head shots, god damn.

This is the most attractive mugshot in the history of ever.

Cool as millennials think they are, they are light years behind in every aspect and every category (except for animated gifs, their greatest contribution)

One does not wear a hip-length velour coat without first considering the pirate option.

Now playing

Look, you may dislike the floppy hat from a fashion standpoint.

I think she looks good in the hat. Am I wrong?

I tweeted that I want a rom com with her and Tom Hiddleston, like, immediately and SHE FAVORITED IT! The movie should be them being gorgeous and in love in London, right? (Tom has yet to respond.)

My goal for 40 is to not be mean to myself anymore. To each their own, but fuck, lady. I don't envy that.

It was a lovely juxtaposition.

Tom hanks son. He is a "gangsta rapper" who attends northwestern university and presumably embarasses his father on a daily basis

Thanks, I think you hit every single point I wanted to make. Saves me some typing.

And, you know, from as objective a standpoint I can muster, lying about personal details in your past when you're running for elected office is both weird and sloppy.