
Ditto! I have little opinion about Trainor in general—other than I think it’s a travesty that she won the “Best New Artist” grammy over Courtney Barnett—but I have to admit that when she fell down and just stayed there, laughing at the absurdity, I was like, “I would totally do that!” and kind of wanted to give her a

*applauding wildly*

Yep, it definitely can happen. In my case, pre-baby and nursing, I was a D-cup. Afterward, I was DD. Ending up bigger was, to be honest, the *last* thing I wanted after a lifetime of wishing my boobs were smaller. But so it goes.

Real talk. Double-D sister here (well, technically now I’m down to just one Double-D, post-mastectomy).

I totally believe that the benefits of probiotics are probably overblown marketing fodder for the most part, when it comes to the already healthy. But anyone who is on a course of antibiotics should take a good probiotic, or eat hella yogurt/kefir fo’ sho. Very, very bad things can happen when antibiotics


Just two weeks ago, I said these words to my therapist: “I’m feeling sad because it’s finally sinking in that my family is never, ever going to be the family I want and need.” For all of the time and energy I’ve spent thinking about my messed-up family (messed up in large part because we’ve been held as codependent

A friend of mine who lives in Minnesota said they can smell the smoke there. It was bad enough to wake him up in the middle of the night thinking his house was on fire. :(

I started to watch the evacuation footage video, but it honestly had me so terrified that I had to stop. Being in proximity to a fire that massive has to be traumatizing. I did find some news stories on CNN and Huffpo about the destruction, and it’s heartbreaking. I live in Northern California and last year was

Holy poop! That’s terrifying and terrible. And as per usual, the U.S. news cycle is too distracted by discussions of taco salads and superdelegates to even notice. We suck at being neighbors. :(

I love that this site exists. I can’t stand that asshat.

I can’t believe I missed the “Without us, some guys would starve” campaign! It treats men like incompetent children—AND simultaneously implies that people eat at Carl’s Jr. just to avoid starvation rather than because the food has merit. A double whammy of bad messages!

*snort laughing*

Yeah. I believe it.

My first reaction was: this can’t be real. Like, someone who just happened to have access to a photo of Trump preparing to dig into a taco salad had to have hacked his Twitter account and sent this out. Because even Trump, in all his glorious idiocy, could *not possibly* have intentionally tweeted something as


I also feel like you’d be ingesting seriously dangerous amounts of potassium, for chrissake! Too much potassium can lead to heart issues. You might feel like a superhero...up until your heart explodes.

Same—e.g., hopeful but also terrified. I don’t believe Trump can get the numbers, especially with minority voters or women...but I will not rest easy until this insane election season is over.

I’m not crying; you’re crying!

I could see him trying to get Rubio as a running mate...but I don’t think even that would be a winning strategy, to your point.