
It just occurred to me, reading the article and then your comment, that I’ve never, ever done this in my life. I always feel like I have to drag someone along to a show. I’m now putting this on my list of things to try at least once. It is a crappy feeling when you bring someone to hear a favorite band or artist and

I love her so, so, so much. I’ve seen her sing live twice, but not in a long time. She’s got such an amazing catalog of work, but I feel like she never coasts on nostalgia—she’s usually got something new to say. And yeah, I’d have been the worshipful middle-aged woman in blonde highlights (well, once my post-chemo

I know, me too. The fact that an elderly man, out of his mind with sleep deprivation and anxiety, had a total breakdown on an airplane and was later thrown in jail, is nothing BUT sad. I don’t fault any of the people around him for their actions (subduing him, arresting him, putting him in jail while they figure out

You, sir or madam, are on fire today.

that gif is a keeper

Please don’t tell me that people who have gone to college are not able to spell “college”. JFC.

I don’t know much about Janice Dickinson, but I wish her strength, and I hope very much that she kicks cancer’s evil ass.

I’m embarrassed to admit how hard this made me laugh. How did I get to the age of 48 never having heard that one?

good to know

Yup. I got completely bored with the Divergent book series by a few chapters into the second book. The first book was intriguing, but she should have stopped there. And *I* should have stopped there, too, but I have yet to break the “finish what I start” habit.

This. She does indeed sound like the kind of person who won’t be satisfied with no longer having the ability to fuck with someone and will try to do something to re-establish a connection. I hope not, but that’s typically what this sort does.

I am so sorry you’ve been treated this way. This person is awful and sounds downright sadistic. I think your decision to finally truly cut this person out of your life and cut the other two friends out as well is the only sane choice to make. While clearly this woman is the ringleader, it disappoints me deeply that

I want Bobby to go, and then I want Bobby to write a David Foster Wallace-esque essay about Yas Island in the spirit of A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again—an essay that initially revels in the over the top luxeness of Yas Island but ultimately exposes the deep black pit of existential despair and self-loathing

Thank you! It’s such a massive relief. :)

Thank you—those are all awesome! I especially love Colbert’s goofy little moves. I have the biggest crush on that dude.

Thank you—and I’m glad your aunt is nearing the finish line!

Hell, yes!

Haha I love your aunt from afar! I’ve been in treatment for breast cancer since last October (side note: just had surgery a few weeks ago and my final path report came back CANCER-FREE bitchessss! sorry, I’m so excited, I have to tell everyone!), and I can vouch that I view it as license to: 1) tell people off 2) not

Yeah, it makes sense if the character arcs were to justify the breakups, though that’s a little sad in terms of the show’s writing. One thing I appreciated about the Gilmore Girls universe was that the central characters were allowed to be pretty deeply flawed and yet still likable on some level. It shouldn’t be

I recently started re-watching. Well, truth told, I only ever started watching Gilmore Girls only in like Season 4, and never went back to watch the very first seasons until last year, so a lot of the early stuff is pretty fresh for me. So my distaste for Jess is VERY vivid. He is awful. There is literally nothing I