

I literally gasped out loud when I read that Kitchenette was cut. Sad does not begin to describe how that makes me feel.

Use your words, Mr. President. Use your words.

I feel bad because lately everything I post seems to be about my cancer diagnosis. But my most embarrassing meltdown ever was the day I went for my mammogram, thinking it was going to be this totally routine thing, and ended up there for hours (rounds of additional mammo pics and then ultrasounds), and then finally a

That is so wrong. I fucking hate sadists who use job interviews to torture people. And yes, thank god you didn’t end up forced to work for her—she was a bastard people.


It’s exactly like Donnie Darko. But with Hot Pockets. In other words, better.

I’m working on it :) xo

Oh wow, I am so sorry to hear you lost your husband. I think the way you’re choosing to pay it forward is awesome. I’m sure the people who supported you through your husband’s loss would feel the same.

I’m so glad your friend is well now! I’m making a list of all the awesome ass-kickery I want to get up to once I’m through treatment. :)

Ugh. I agree that anyone who fakes an illness who uses it to con people out of money and manipulate/abuse deserves much, much ugly karma. I would help fire the catapult to send someone like that into the goddamn sun, and I’m sorry that you ever had a person like that in your life.

Thank you so much! I’m so glad you were able to be there for your friend, too. It’s the worst to see someone you love go through this shit—and from the other side, it’s also so hard to see the people who love you struggling to deal with your illness. Fuck cancer and the horse it rode in on.

I’m so sorry about the loss of your friend this year. It is really and truly hard to know how to help. And helping someone with terminal cancer is a whole other thing that I’m *still* fairly clueless about. But worrying about your own feelings is just human. And just know that you aren’t alone in struggling with

I haven’t been on the front lines with how people with other illnesses are treated, but it horrifies me to think anyone struggling with something debilitating/life threatening isn’t getting love and compassion at epic levels. I honestly hadn’t realized that maybe there are still a lot of people out there who react

Thanks so for the kind thoughts—and I’m so incredibly grateful for the support, even though it’s hard to feel worthy of it all. Part of the unworthy thing is the realization that I haven’t always been as amazing at being there for people in my life who have gone through difficult shit. My best friend from high school

True, and yet I applaud #comingfromaplaceofbitch

Your mom *is* a hero—a superhero, in fact. So glad to hear she’s still going strong almost 30 years after treatment.

Word. I’ve heard so many stories about people faking cancer that, following my own recent diagnosis with breast cancer, I had a few paranoid moments where I wondered if people would wonder if it was fake. I felt relief when, in order to start using my short term disability benefits at work, the company that

YES YES YES. God she is incredible.

Ugh, this breaks my heart. I’m so sorry she’s in that situation.