
Holy shit. Now I understand why, when people from my company travel to Brazil for work, the company hires guards to take them around. It sounds like the wild, wild west.

Okay, now I'm worried about your best friend and the 4 kids she has with her apparently not-terribly-stable bipolar husband.

LOVE that you got the business class bump after that asshat of a woman flipped out on you. And her flip-out didn't even makes sense. If her daughter is afraid of flying, she's afraid of flying. How is being in the aisle seat vs. the center seat going to magically fix that?


Shiloh muttering as she trudged down the aisle: "I'm NEVER fucking getting married. This is BULLSHIT."

Are you sure this happened in Arizona? This has Florida written all over it.

This is everything

The thing that weirded me out the most about her red carpet moves this time around was not the dress—it was the video of her when she was stopped and posing and she kept dropping her jaw to do the unsmiling, mouth-slightly-open pose. It's like someone somewhere along the way told her that's her best look in still

Muppet Pelts = most awesome band name EVAR!

This cannot be disputed

Every time I see JLD, I want to sob and rend my garments at how insanely good she looks. Flawless.

I dig the skirt. I just wouldn't pair that skirt with a super-plain, drab button-down blouse like that. Replace that blouse with a fitted pink or white scoop-neck t-shirt, and I'm sure even Eastwood would crack a smile.

I just told my husband, "I just read the best comment I have ever, ever, EVER seen."

My six year old son thoroughly approves of this.

Oh my God. I can't even imagine that.

I can't believe I just looked this up, but I did. So it's not even Liz she has to beat—it's Zsa Zsa Gabor—with 9, count 'em, 9 GD marriages!

How many times did Liz Taylor marry, anyway? Like 7 or 8? J.Lo's still pretty young—she has a real shot at topping that, if she puts in the effort.

I am awkwardly yet enthusiastically doing that "we're not worthy!" Wayne's World bow-down at your post—while at the same time laying on my couch.

Yes and it's an abhorrent, stupid decision that prefers the rights of corporate entities over the rights of private citizens employed by said entities. That said, the decision isn't based in the "rightness" of the religious belief itself. I think that to uphold marriage discrimination would require upholding overtly

True, though the Hobby Lobby decision wasn't per se supporting or commenting on the merits of the specific religious beliefs held by the owners of the corporation.