
All just part of the Olympic challenge....

Why can't they skate routines like that in the Olympics? Every skater should be required to skate while holding a cocktail. Extra points will be granted for degree of cocktail difficulty—drinks in hollowed-out pineapples, say.

True. But he's still around and working, with all indications that his career is still thriving. So perhaps it bears repeating.

True. But he's still around and working, with all indications that his career is still thriving. So perhaps it bears repeating.

Do we know for sure that Shakira's not bi?

I've heard behind-the-scenes stories about Sean Penn being a bit of a nightmare, relationship-wise, but that photo of him kissing the top of Charlize's little boy's head is seriously kicking me right in the ovaries.

It's always so weird when they change actors mid-stream, but I'm kinda glad they're ditching him. The actor seems to have one expression: Maximum Smirk. It's his Blue Steel. Plus he was just altogether too blond-haired/blue-eyed.

All those kids are so darn cute.

I get the nervousness in the wake of those data breaches. And I also get and applaud people using cold hard cash as a way to maintain better awareness of spending. Still, those handy dandy plastic cards do come with zero liability guarantees. Not to say it wouldn't suck eggs to have your card compromised, but you

I'm not sure what overwhelming tide you're referring to. But for most people who are casually familiar with the case, they are likely to be aware that there was an investigation, that ultimately the investigators said they didn't believe molestation had taken place, and there was ultimately no attempt to prosecute

Pete Carroll looks like he's ready for his Cialis commercial = funniest/most accurate thing all morning. Also, I don't follow football at all but was also struck while semi-watching the game yesterday with the husband by how very attractive the Seahawks are. Especially the QB. Mrrreow.

I'm not going to pretend that I've read exhaustively on the subject. I haven't read all the source materials that form the basis of the underlying story. Like everyone commenting here, I'd venture to guess, I've read a few articles that excerpt quotes from people involved in the situation, which could be used to

What I was referring to were the conclusions of the investigative team at the hospital, and the opinion expressed by the lead doctor who interviewed Dylan nine times. You're absolutely right, though...I conflated the conclusions of the investigative team with the prosecutor's decision not to prosecute, and those are

It's apparent you're struggling to see this in anything but black/white terms, so I'll take a last shot at breaking it down for you.

No, the stats—and the specific stories I linked to, moreover—don't actually prove that I'm wrong. They prove that I'm right. Sometimes these accusations are false.

I don't know about this situation. It is very compelling to me that Dylan Farrow has provided a detailed account of what happened to her, and that even many years later, she stands by that account. There are other things about the situation that I find a bit confounding, like inconsistencies in Dylan's recounting

Sure. Here are a couple upon quick searches:

I really appreciate what you're saying in this thread. I think it's quite possible to treat survivors with dignity and honor, and applaud their courage in speaking out about abuse AND still hold the idea that we cannot simply accept any and all accusations at face value. The fact is that, sometimes, accusations are

I understand. And the idea of survivors of abuse being silenced via accusations of parental alienation is horrible to me. I don't disagree that there are many people who would rather not face the reality that abuse has taken place, and would be inclined to prefer the idea of a vindictive ex.

Parental Alienation Syndrome as a "syndrome" has been widely challenged and disputed, but the act of parental alienation in divorce situations is very much a thing. I'm married to a man whose ex-wife did this (not via accusations of abuse, but simply by convincing her son that he didn't want or need a relationship