
And I thought the duster was an unlicensed rip-off of Taz

One would have to assume that Wile E. was a gift with purchase when they licensed RR.

This sounds similar to what happened to Amadou Diallo, as featured in Malcolm Gladwell’s blink. He was shot 41 times because the cops decided he was dangerous.

My old jeep used to make a winky face, but that was mainly due to a short in the passenger head light harness.

I had the idea of a winch housing that was actually a powered cooler - the hook can be a bottle opener. So, when I get stuck after going a few feet in the wet grass by the mall parking lot, I can sit on my big bumper and drink a beer while I wait for AAA.

It’s good to have options, based on your level of rage for the day.

What about a dopey grille?

Very timely advice. I just picked up a JK and am navigating the underworld of Jeep accessories. So far I’ve picked up a set of ball joints, rubber floor mats, and some angry looking tailgate hinges. Am I doing it right?

that evidence only suggest that there “was” oil in it.

I’ve no doubt that o2 sensor code is actually a bad cat. However, I’ll wager a $10 spacer will put a muzzle on the tattle tale sensor. I’d check the plugs for evidence of misfire which is often the cause of the cats going bad. ignition coils are pretty cheap on these machines, but chasing these kind of things will

the toilet seat on the back is practical-I guess the waste is captured in that cylinder. Those woofers would aid in loosening of the bowels.

Not that I want to risk getting it stuck in my head all day, but is there a video that demonstrates what it sounds like? all I see is the gif

Maybe they’ll wait until the average teen of the 90's to have enough time to raise a couple of kids and get them out of the house. The dream of being able to afford a new supra might be what a lot of us need to get through parenthood.

What is the rule for when a pun should be left as intended?

snarky comment about e60s and limp mode as safety feature, etc. etc.

So I have a ‘14 GC CRD. Am I gonna see anything come my way on this besides another transmission reprogramming to further reduce my fuel economy?

yeah but in Feb 1968 there had only been 2 super bowls. King hadn’t even seen a Budweiser horse ad. I think his message would have been in a lighter tone if he had seen one of those funny Doritos commercials.

6 pages? Where’s the bulleted exec summary?

for when 13 propellers are too many and 11 propellers are not enough.

They already took away the booth girls at CES, and now this? What is next, the awkwardly bikini clad, high heel wearing, boxing round number holding girls? How will we know what round it is? And how will these beautiful women find jobs if we keep taking away their opportunity? They can’t all find rich husbands, can