
Washington Redskins are 3-0 in the preseason - have they already won the Super Bowl!?!

That first story has to be made up, right?

So you’ve never been to China to the UAE, then?

Uhh wow.

My point was more that Pro-Rel would only work for smaller NCAA division setups. EPL, for example, has a big pool of teams below the premiership level but only 20(?) that are actually promoted. Right now the NCAA Div-I is way too big to work relegation and promotion in without a lot of turmoil.

If you’re going that route, you should be comparing FA cup eligibility versus NCAAF teams regardless of division.

Problem here is that there are way more D1 universities than there are professional clubs in England. That, and rosters are cycled through every four years at the minimum, so it would be hard to maintain non-relegation status for more than a decade or so.

“No, guys, he figuratively killed five hookers at SMU.

My interpretation of this is that the Cardinals are essentially paying themselves with money that was donated for charitable causes, all while promoting the idea that they are still affiliated with a charity. If a company created a non-profit charitable branch and then diverted huge sums of money from the revenue

You missed it.

All baseball teams suck.

I’m guessing they take issue with the title of the article.

You would really turn your back on THE LAS VEGAS WILDCARDS(!!!)?

Agreed. The only reason to fly during a move is if you have no car and own too little to justify renting the smallest Uhaul, and even then you’re missing out on a chance to road trip with a friend or two.

1) People do watch women’s sports, though there is a disparity where talent levels don’t match that of men’s equivalent sports. This is why women’s international soccer and tennis get a lot of viewership but WNBA and LPGA are not so popular.

Ashley Judd, obvs.

You can’t be serious. If you can’t get by with 100% of your needs being covered plus room to spare on $500k in Chicago or Atlanta, you would have to be part of some secret club where you pay to murder vagrants with one use pure gold daggers or something.

No one cares.

England would have had to really show up to compete with Germany.

The league minimum is $500k/year. Where, aside from NYC, can you not live like a god on that income?