Team Rocket Grunt

Also I can say that that concrete poop and the silent scream….a week after I had my son, I experienced this for the first time. This gif is fitting.


As if Mt. Poop wasn't enough to make this one legendary, you chose the most apt Dean Winchester face I've ever seen. I've been laughing/crying over this for the last twenty minutes, easy. Bravo!

I think "Let It Go" benefited greatly from the fact that Disney hadn't put out a movie with a memorable soundtrack in a looong time. It's telling that whenever people compared Frozen to other Disney films, that the ones it's most frequently compared to to are 20+ years old.

I totally agree. The song is catchy as fuck and I thought the movie was cute but I definitely don't get the mania over it. "Let It Go" is such an incredibly generic Broadway ballad. The music from "Beauty and the Beast" or "Lion King" or even "Aladdin" is infinitely more memorable and unique.

dying. just fucking dying. hahahahahaahhaahhaahahhahahahaha

omgomgomgomgomg, laughing so hard at this story and this gif

Whilst these people are clearly dicks, I struggle to dredge up much sympathy for someone who makes a living lying to morons.

After my last devastating break-up I slipped into what is now known in my family as the "Great Depression". I even lost my job (I hated it anyway). However, I was over it after two years. I completely blocked him from facebook (though I did stalk him from time to time), I forced myself not to contact him (although I

I work with people with developmental disabilities and consequently have a lot of poop stories. Here's one of my better and less disgusting ones:

I think I can win this.

So he's the worst kind of asshole?

No one is speaking about the 6.5 million people with a mental disability so severe they think they believe astronomy can predict the future. That's so many! Who is helping those poor people?

that's not really what astrology posits, i mean modern astrology acknowledges explicitly that it's a metaphorical language and not to be treated literally. but yeah, there are assholes out there who use a misinterpreted statement about astronomical positioning to justify their self-centeredness. and your comment is

That's your winner? Pffft...

Drunk sex isn't a big part of this? There aren't women who claim that sex that they regret was rape?… Again, obvious caveats: yes that sounds like everything a misogynist wants to read about rape, and yes it is the National Review.

So, it seems like Helen is like the skeksis in the Dark Crystal, draining the essence from the jilted.

SRSLY. (From Sofia Coppola. Because classy is including the straw.)