Even I'm not brave enough to google image search that.
Even I'm not brave enough to google image search that.
Sorry, already taken. Man, Google image search did not disappoint.
I hear Keira Knightly has been cast for season 2. I don't think she'll hold a candle to this pair though.
Where was he fiddling with his yoke anyhow? In his seat? I mean, I'm pretty sure if I got caught masturbating I'd want to jump out of a plane too, but you have to at least hide it.
What Cyan-skied planet is this set on? Or does it take place in a near post-apocalyptic future where the sky's color has been permanently changed by nuclear hellfire?
Strong armed robbery, eh? I'm not surprised they ran. I hear people have been getting executed in the streets for that.
No one's going to rush to pay my bail if I ever get arrested.
I thought the creepy occult aspect of True Detective was what made it so interesting. If this is just another seedy police procedural about regular ole' crime and corruption, I'm far less excited.
That's a fair point. The military punishes anyone who is even aware of a hazing incident and doesn't report it, which leads to people intervening because THEY don't want to get in trouble for being complicit. I can see this not really working as well in a college environment, where there aren't eyes everywhere looking…
While it's great that these schools/frats are finally doing SOMETHING about sexual assaults, they need to back up education with zero-tolerance punishments. The military has mandatory anti-hazing and anti-sexual assault classes for all personnel. If you're caught hazing you can expect to lose pay/rank, so hazing…
Seriously disappointed by the lack of Spice Girls' Wannabe. Oh well, maybe next year.
oof, baby rolls a natural 20. Critical hit, he pees all over you while you change his diaper.
<- Pretty much how I feel when I look at that thing. There'd would be a Giant Squid waiting for me in my Room 101.
The giant squid and its soul piercing eye is my greatest nautical fear and I'm pretty sure I'd have a nervous breakdown if I found out there was one swimming under a boat I was in. I hate hate hate them.
I do like little baby octopi though.
It's the can I/may I situation every English teacher you've ever had in your entire life has been preparing you for.
Skip to the kissing part already, also does this story have pirates?
I'm surprised a dirty, family destroying liberal like Obama would even be on a normal dating website. I figured he'd be more of a Tinder guy, floating from casual hookup to casual hookup, undermining the red blooded American dream of the stable nuclear family.
No, I don't they'll even be in the same park, let alone in anyone's court, thanks. I really like how he emphasizes the lack of talking like he know's he's insufferable so he'll just shut up, like he's doing her a huge favor. What a skeezelord.
I just got off the Reptophone with Supreme High Lizard Queen Elizabeth, and she wanted to tell me she found your post about the Miley Cyrus fake butt fiasco amusing and informative, so you get a pass on this one. But you're on thin ice.
In a recent speech, America's least likable Reptoid Rick Perry drew an idiotic and completely specious parallel