Having been in this exact situation, the break up can actually be stress-relieving, because now you can just move on and stop worrying about trying to make it work.
Having been in this exact situation, the break up can actually be stress-relieving, because now you can just move on and stop worrying about trying to make it work.
And her eyebrows!!!!
I keep hearing bookstore owner from Little Britain LOL
Peggy is now verboten due to pegging....I just can’t....
Thank you, I totally agree with all you said. I think where people get confused is thinking that all cultural groups are also racially homogeneous, and vice versa. The truth is muddy, and as we know, even within “groups” that outsiders consider to be unified, there are differences that make those people go “We’re…
Cloning is not the same as IVF. There you go!
Hispanics are a group bound by only 1 constant: language. Racially, Hispanics include Caucasian, Native North- and South-Americans, as well as Blacks from various heritages. Culturally, Hispanics span Mexico, Central- and South-America, culturally diverse countries.
Anyone else see Nutella instead of Nigella?
He's naked underneath...
No Neck Perry. Boom campaign slogan!
Can we call her MA or MargAt?
I hope you can find that way again!
Pain can be a huge motivation for creating art. Then substance abuse is used to numb that pain and/or fuel the energy to create the art. For awhile, it’s cathartic
What? Being compassionate doesn’t mean condoning nasty behaviour. While I understand why you feel a certain way (compassion), it doesn’t mean I agree with it.....People who wish to teach others “lessons” instead of fostering understanding are vindictive and evil. So good luck with that.
No, mom constantly sends random texts and has check in conversations. She hasn't talked to her daughter about this particular issue. If she can't bring up the hard stuff, why would the daughter think anything is wrong with her behaviour?
You're right, I do! *so embarassed*
Those H&M underwear ads tho....so shiny, so tattoo, so bulgy!
In that first shot, she is so overexposed that you can't really see her nose. It's scaring me
Won’t someone think of the children?!?
His management needs to Adele his twit privileges.