Team Nope


Ima let you finish but....Beckham is one of the most talented footballers to ever have played. So he did once have a huge career based on a talent. Unlike Hudson who has never achieved anything of note.

Jesus, a text every day? Kill me now...

I disagree that she is old enough to know better. There is no template saying you have to call your parent once per week. Each parent-child relationship decides together what the rules of engagement are. It sounds like this daughter is changing that and mom doesn’t like it. Instead of bringing it up to talk about, mom’re kind of evil. “Nasty shock”? How about mom shows some compassion just like she is asking for from her daughter? How about instead of going full nuclear right now (no Xmas gift, removing all financial aid) she just talks to her daughter? Is that really so fucking hard?

I think every child has their own unique personality and needs. Even when you raise multiple children in the same way, they will have different reactions to it. This middle daughter sounds like she understands that distractions need to be minimized in order to be successful (hello, Ivy League school!) but mom doesn’t

Ew....your mom maybe needs some new friends. Also glad your mom is not one of them :) But yes, I think there are always wrongs perpetrated on both sides of the parent-child relationship. Parents who don’t get exactly what they want and then say they “deserve love” because they paid for their kids growing up makes me

Really? I’m more interested in other peoples’ answers and in fostering dialogue, not my monologue, but here you go:

The same people who named their second daughter Chardonnay....true story, although I really wish it wasn’t :/

Yes, kudos to mom for not acting on her first (shitty) instinct.

Lol okay. This is eye for an eye territory, where the mother’s solution is to act just as low and meanly as the daughter. She won’t be showing the daughter a better way.

LOL! She actually wants that, including cremation!

Sure. I’d do it too. But it would be robotic and boring since I wouldn’t want to do it. So mum would get her communication, but at what cost?

I assume that if mom can pay for this type of school, although expensive, it’s not so far out of the family’s financial means. Otherwise wouldn’t the mom go into how big of a financial burden this is?

She’s 18....despite the legality, very few 18 year olds are adults.

I see what you did there!

Condolences and commisery!

It pisses people off that they are no longer able to command your attention. I mean, when you lived under your parents’ roof, if you didn’t do what they wanted, they could threaten eviction. Unfortunately many parents believe this to mean their children enjoy being around them all the time, instead of understanding

She does.

Sounds like mum will pry into every area/decision/experience of her daughter’s, and if found wanting, will threaten to withhold something else.