
WHAT?! I very rarely care what grade the reviewers give an episode and usually just try and stick to the comments, but I laughed out LOUD after seeing this grade? A C+?? You serious? This episode was fantastic.

Yeah, I live in North Dakota, and there's a LOT of racism toward Native Americans. It's terrible.

Ugh, that stupid article. Minority Report, Blood and Oil, The Player… these shows HAVE ALL BEEN CANCELED. They had their episode count reduced, there are no plans to make any more, and have no chance at coming back once all their episodes have aired. How is that not canceled? Or are we considering cancellation only

Enil Edam

To be fair, the Constantine news was widely reported news when it was first announced a while back, and his appearance has been promoted both on TV and online. I would definitely not consider that a spoiler. The fact that you haven't heard about it until now is what's surprising to me.

Oh man, I couldn't disagree with you more. I loved that ridiculous scene, and I want more. Yeah, I obviously know that's not how things work in the real world, but this is for my entertainment, and that was just SO MUCH FUN to watch.

They've clearly indicated that these futures aren't set in stone. Cisco died, but Barry went back in time and Cisco is now alive. Time travel is already an incredibly contrived plot, and I'm sure they'll be able to come up with any contrived excuse to change whatever they need to.

This was straight up boring. Even Kai's flair of personality at the end wasn't enough to liven it up for me.

The only satisfying ending I can think of if Will or Dan ends up winning this game is if the entire live studio audience is just silent as they are crowned winner. Maybe some boos. I just want it to be well known to themselves and everyone watching that they suck.

Yes. A++. Perfect.

Probably because a lot less people actually watch The 100 than watch The Flash. But I guess it all comes down to what you prefer. The Flash has a pretty entertaining (if repetitive) plot, but it's full of superficial and one-dimensional characters. The 100 is constantly having characters make tough decisions, facing

Ward's rousing speech about how sad he was for ruining their team/family dynamic had me worried for a second. Then everyone responded by reaffirming how much they wished he was dead, and all was right in the world.

The 100 isn't perfect, but it was definitely better than The Flash this year.

Because PROTECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do not care at all whatsoever about Malcolm Merlyn. I thought the flashbacks this episode were essentially useless. They wasted so much time just showing us what was already stated in one sentence, with nothing interesting really coming from it. And I'm not here for his redemption, so hopefully they don't even

The pilot was so fast and exciting. This episode was just boring.

Ah, yes. The important things.

UGGGHHH that scene alone infuriated me more than all of X-Men: The Last Stand did.

In the latest Inhuman series they've brought up the fact that the globally-spread mists are much more dilute than the actual crystals, so much so that The Unspoken couldn't use the mists to activate his powers and needed the raw crystal form in order to do so. So maybe they'll use that justification to say the mists

It probably wasn't a matter of choice at all since he was bound by a contract to star in Being Mary Jane long before he joined SHIELD.