
I really really hope so. This whole 'summit' thing this episode got me hopeful for a swap already, but then they let me down.

Usually, I'm able to just roll my eyes and ignore whatever the gimmick of the season is, but this one is different for me for some reason. Jeff spent prime tribal council time talking about how people text. They seem to be making people mention "Millennial" and "Gen-X" in every other confessional, even if it's not

I hate this Millennial vs. Gen-X thing so much. So much. Like… even if this is one of the greatest gameplay seasons of all time, it will forever be tainted in my eyes by the obnoxious, hamfisted narrative of this generation divide they're forcing on us. I hate it I hate it I hate it.

Order-wise, I would agree with all of it, except swap Legends 1 and Arrow 3. My grades aren't as high as your's though.

Grey's Anatomy just finished season 12, and it had better a finale rating than any other show on ABC. And people wonder why it's still on TV…

Survivor has the third highest demo rating on the entire network, and it's super cheap compared to their scripted stuff. Why would they want to subject it to scheduling whims?

Like any of this matters. Five episodes in, and they'll all be swapped and switched and the gimmick completely forgotten until someone tries to shoehorn it in during the finale.

Pretty sure ALIE is 100% dead.

Almost just started tearing up just thinking about how beautiful that will be.

Honestly, I love that we're at the point where there's so many LGBTQ characters on TV that they can die on so many different shows.

Man this show is getting better and better each week. Eliot's confession to 'Mike' was fantastic and made his character all the more interesting. I also like how they're building Quentin's relationships with Eliot and Penny also. Still wish Margo was around this episode though. And wow was that conversation between

His entire life? I mean, I would argue that every single person on this show has significant amounts of trauma in their lives that could tempt them to the City of Light, which is what makes it pretty scary.

It's a lot easier to justify your captor's deaths than your own people's. But yeah, for the most part I agree. I'd like to think Monty's mostly passive personality + his mother's steadfast dedication are what's causing him to go along with all of this.

At least she had the decency to remind him who Wells was?

Jaha has also been on that drug for a lot longer than Raven. She may still remember Finn now, but after a couple more pills she may forget.

Yes. 100x yes. Every episode all I can think about is how much fun this show would be if Hawkgirl, both parts of Firestorm, and Rip would just go away and let the fun people do what they do.

I agree, but at the same time, Monty isn't the type to lead a rebellion. He's always just kind of went with the flow of things. Add to that the fact that his mom, who he was just reunited with, is on Pike's side, so I can see why even if he was opposed to the whole thing (which I'm assuming he is), he wouldn't speak

I find myself enjoying Clarke's isolation over in the grounder political machine much more than I thought I would. I really like how these people are fully willing to call each other out on their terrible actions and hypocrisies and not just ignoring them for the sake of the plot. But that's not entirely new to show,

While I agree with the comments that what Taylor did is not entirely equal to what happened at Columbine, I think what the show did was entirely good and appropriate. With the way they've been portraying issues of race and homophobia and masculinity and rape, I don't for one second think even the people behind

They had the spoken word poet a couple episodes ago who was a male survivor of rape telling his story through his performance. Not saying that means they didn't need a speaker here, but I think it shows that the people behind the show are at least aware of that voice.