
Well the Inhumans originated in a Fantastic 4 comic, yet here we are. Who knows what the legal mumbojumbo is. I still don't even understand how Marvel can use Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.

Clearly Kayla's favorite character is Michaela, but I honestly think it's ruining her perception of this show. Why is everyone quick to turn on Michaela? Only Connor did that, and him and Michaela have been at each other's throats all season, so that's why. Why does no one care about Michaela's scared feelings after

This was by far a bigger crime than the whole killing Sam thing.

Yeah, I feel like that's one of those scenes that is a gold mine for someone who's looking to criticize the show for whatever reason. If Michaela stays, she's stupid and putting herself at risk for someone she doesn't even know. If she leaves, she's selfish and a terrible person and how are we supposed to like her?

Well she presumably "died" in last week's episode of The 100, so…. maybe not?

Would the quality of the shows be better off? Probably. Would the network be better off as a business? Probably not.

Usually it's only 2, but it's a new… round? Or event? Or something? I dunno, but usually it's only Mon & Tues.

Are you really criticizing a TV comedy for having characters do things that people generally don't do in the real world? Isn't that what TV comedy is essentially built upon?

The Millers, The McCarthys, Mom, and Mike & Molly. Is there something about the letter M that just says "your grandmother will probably like this"?

Definitely morally weird but kind of fits with the "provide an alternate suspect" thing she laid out in the pilot.

Yeah, I don't get it either. But Annalise pretty much asked him this exact question in this episode which makes me think the writers know that it doesn't make sense to us quite yet? Maybe?

Nope. But it's nice to know how you view women so thanks for your hugely engaging input.

I wasn't making a value judgment about the music either. I'm saying that I don't consider U2's album to be a music event because in the end, no one cared about the music at all. The news was all about Apple.

The U2 album was in the news not because anyone cared about the actual album, but because of the whole Apple thing, so that hardly counts. And Beyonce's album came out almost a year ago. So we have 2 event albums in the past year.

Man, these writers are such assholes for completely dismissing what I have to say.
*completely dismisses the topic they're writing about*

I think judging a person by the stuff she said when she was a teenager is pretty unfair. She's even mentioned how young and naive she was when writing her earlier stuff. I mean, if I was to forever be judged by my teenage mouth, I'd be totally screwed. I'm just lucky I wasn't in the public eye back then.

I still can't hear anything else, so I've just embraced it.

I find Annalise's favoritism so hilarious. It's just so… TV. But technically she did pick on some some other student (Mr. Johanson?) in this episode, but the scene ended before they had to pay an extra for saying lines.

Shonda Rhimes and Peter Nowalk are two different people who can have their own opinions on gay sex scenes. Nowalk can include them on his show deliberately, and Rhimes can be fine with that because she views them as "scenes with people".

But they were gay (or bi, etc), and they were attracted to him. So why not manipulate them like he knows he can? That's like saying "if the kid hadn't written his song lyrics on his blog, Laurel would be useless". It's not really relevant.