In the US you can also text Crisis Text Line at 741741 if you feel more comfortable texting
In the US you can also text Crisis Text Line at 741741 if you feel more comfortable texting
I look back at being 20 years old and in REAL love for the first time... Man, I did some crazy shit when we broke up. I couldn’t handle it. I didn’t sleep... I couldn’t eat... I was texting (T9ing on my Razr like CRAZY) and crying. Showing up at his parents and crying. Hanging out with friends of his friends just to…
Oh boo, you don’t want to be in a car crash. I was in one, lost a limb, attempted suicide many times from the depression that engulfed me. I too have a hard time speaking about my attempts and my mental disorder with some of my family, especially my Mom.
I agree. Even for millions of dollars I wouldn’t relive that period of my life. Adulthood is the greatest thing I’ve ever experienced.
I wouldn’t do 20 years old again for anything in the world. For me, at least, everything was dire and forever and beyond repair. I don’t mean to say that this is a reflection of immaturity on her part but if you’re lucky an old mind becomes a “wise mind”. Sending her positive thoughts.
If you’re in the US and are thinking of taking your own life, call 1-800-273-8255 (the National Suicide Prevention Hotline).
I had felt so alone and abandoned by everyone I never could tell my friends and family about my attempts.
I can barely speak with my best friends and family about my disorder or my time in a mental facility.
I feel your pain! But at least for me the weird thing is I never feel quite at home in a blue state. We must be destined to be members of the opposition—at least until the pendulum swings back, godspeed the day.
Aaahhh, Gary Busey. Excellent suggestion.
My first reaction is to yammer on about how we’re desensitized to the Chicklet-like capped teeth everyone in Hollywood seems to have today, but god damn! It really is creepy when you look at him. I want him to find a dentist that will give him a smile somewhere between his “natural creep look” and “Gary Busey.”
It seemed a logical progression, given his history.
I was thinking it looked like a Terry Gillam animation
Duh it was leaked, who has sex with their bra on and moves that little unless they are afraid of looking human for even a nanosecond.
I was just coming down to post that. They’re hypnotic. I cannot stop staring at them. Why are there so many? Why can I see all of them? His mouth looks like something out of a Guillermo del Toro movie.
That is a disturbing quantity of small teeth.