
A very real criticism though is that every character that isn’t Freddy Mercury is completely one dimensional.

What’s quality got to do with it?

I’ve been plagiarized three times now, and I don’t get it.

Disembodied sunglasses

if i wrote a poem, someone plagiarized it, and then had the gd audacity to get a tattoo of my words on their body??? i’d have a very hard time being as civil as mckibbens.

I can’t stand Rebel Wilson and I wish she would go away. She isn’t the first at anything. Queen Latifah has always been a great role model. In Living Single and Last Holiday, she showed that you didn’t have to be waif-like to be a romantic lead and get the hot guy in the movie. While I am many shades lighter than her,

For those wondering, Crew is short for Crewstopher.

Imagine being such an asshat you make people feel sorry for Kim Kardashian.

I have one kid, and every time I heard, “But you’re such a good mom, you should have more!” My answer was along the lines of “The reason I’m a good mom is that I know how much I can handle successfully.” That shut them up, left them feeling vaguely dissed and also like feeling dissed was their own fault. It was kind

When you’re still single at 45, they stop asking you directly. They just whisper among themselves about how they knew all along you were gay.  

When you’re single: But when are you gonna find someone?

You would not believe how many people don’t give a single fuck about your pregnancy/labor PTSD and pressure you to have more kids.

When the story broke that Jennifer was dragging her feet on the divorce, my first instinct was that it has nothing to do with reconciling or punishing him. It is about having the legal right to help with rehab and medical stuff.

You never, ever in your life call Elton John: whats his name?? you idiot you.

Imprisoning someone of a crime is indeed stripping them of their rights. And it’s done far too often in this country. No argument here. That said, it still is warranted when the rights of others are endangered. If someone’s actions results in the death of 3 babies, it is more than warranted.

Sad yes. But if you are addicted to meth you shouldn’t be having babies, let alone caring for them. She needs to face the consequences for her selfish actions.

I like how Arpaio says he knew something was weird when they started talking about hand jobs and golden showers but stuck it out until “the bitter end.” Kind of like his failing Senate campaign.


SBC also punked Joe Arpaio.

I want to break a bunch of laws and get sentenced to getting my second Ph.D.