
Yes I get the control bit but fuck, I keep getting these sorts of comments like no one is aware of how fucking often people DIE BECAUSE OF ALCOHOL OR ALCOHOL RELATED INCIDENTS. I’m not saying BAN ALCOHOL or DRUGS ARE BAD or DRUGS ARE BETTER.

I will reiterate....alcohol may be a downer but I’ve seen way more people get

I’m not gonna argue with you about the control bit but I’ve known enough dead kids from alcohol related incidents not to care if someone fell off a bridge, cause alcohol impairment cause my brother to fall off a roof.

ANY SORT of impairment has it’s risks and people should know that before taking anything that will

Exactly my thoughts. If they truly cared for her welfare they would have put on a brave face and smiled and told her that she’s going to live in a super cool place with fun people and that they will try to visit her as often as possible. Instead they chose to completely traumatize her with a media circus and

I feel like their decision to release her name is telling.

insufficient cannibalism for bath salts :/

Her family members that she is being placed with are not relative strangers. She considers them family. They visited her (on their own dime, from Utah) once a month, and Skype with her every week. That foster family purposefully and selfishly created a traumatic situation where they could have been following the law

Seriously, read some of the source links, the foster parents are assholes. They love her, I’m sure, but they’re being assholes and are actively keeping her from family that always wanted to keep her.

Or maybe it was cruel of the foster parents to keep her for all these years fighting a custody battle they could never win because under the law they have never had any legal leg to stand on.

It really sucks that the custody exchange was such a circus, and Lexi was exposed to the foster family crying and screaming, and random strangers showing up needlessly to add to the din. A 6-year-old can’t possibly process all that in a healthy way — it must have seemed intensely frightening and confusing. I’m

Yeah, maybe don’t buy lsd from a stranger on the street. Who knows what it actually was.

Agreed. I’ve taken loads of LSD & this kind of violence isn’t in line with any experience I’ve had. These days, with all the synthetic analogues out there, you can’t trust what you’re getting. Some of these synthetic drugs are so terrible.

I really hate that people/authorities are so quick to blame drugs “Reefer Madness” style. Alcohol is more likely to cause violent behavior than most drugs. Likelihood of using hands to make snow angels or a turkey drawing is about 10000000000000000X more likely on LSD than using hands to kill someone.

Yeah, underlying issues for sure. I have taken mushrooms and LSD several times and never had anything like this happen, but an ex-friend of mine would always get paranoid and violent on the exact same acid, the exact same mushrooms. Spending more time with him, I came to learn that he got paranoid and violent on any

“LSD” is a weird way to spell “PCP”

Totally. Looking at yourself in the mirror is a rookie mistake, but it’s usually the worst thing a person experiences on LSD. This case sounds like some bath salts shit.

I wonder whether it might not have been adulterated somehow? And/or whether he was on other medications/psychotropics that may have combined badly?

Yes, this is what I was thinking. I don’t even think I could be active enough to choke or kick someone if I was on LSD.

Getting lost in a cornfield? Sure. Existential crisis in the bathroom mirror? Ya, that happens. Beating someone to death with your bare hands? Na, that’s some underlying shit.

I don’t buy it. Unless LSD has changed tremendously in the last 20 years, violence and acid don’t really go together. I was always too busy having really intense conversations and laughing. Paranoia didn’t factor in as it might with MJ.

Taking LSD off of my “Yeah, I’d Try It” list.