Yeah, I see it. There’s a bit of a resemblance between them, though Pressly has always been rather hard-looking. Which I kind of like about her.
Yeah, I see it. There’s a bit of a resemblance between them, though Pressly has always been rather hard-looking. Which I kind of like about her.
...and everyone criticizes Scandal for being over the top and unbelievable. I beg to differ.
I have two major takeaways from this:
Are we shocked? Are we supposed to be shocked by this? Disgusting.
It’s kinda like when you have to put a jigsaw puzzle together without the box to guide you. It’s pretty obvious when you complete the puzzle that you’ve figured out the picture, and you don’t really need to the box at that point to confirm that you did it right, but if it happens to turn up, it doesn’t hurt, either.
So basically confirming what black and brown people were saying all across the country for the past 40 years.
This feels a lot like Lee Atwater’s famous admission about dog whistles except cranked up to 1 million.
But obviously the US doesn’t have an institutionalized racism problem. That’s just propaganda of the pot smoking hippies on the left.
“Yeah tell us something we don’t know.”
When people act shocked and surprised by the rise of Trump. And further act as the racism and hatred isn’t business as usual for the Republican Party. I usually link this quote.
Obvious shit you already know, news at 11.
Somebody was able to knock me over with a feather due to my becoming flabbergasted upon receiving this information!
Did they ever drive a stake through his heart before they buried him?
I’m beginning to think Nixon and his staff were a bit of an asshole.
Nixon can eat a dick, Theon Greyjoy-style. God, he was literally the worst.
Yet another old-time conspiracy theory confirmed. I feel like I owe a lot of foil-hatters an apology, they seem to have been more right than they were wrong when it comes to the government.