
That is truly terrifying! When I imagine a demonic pocketbook, I picture it demagnetizing all my credit cards, eating my car keys, and then vomiting out melted lipstick all over my car seat.

Leslie has been defending her stance all day and yesterday. Sort of sad, she is getting attacked and people are telling her to be upset. She then gives her perspective and their response is she is wrong, she should be offended. She said it best, “it’s a ... movie get over yourself.”


We are all born scientists. Life beats us into working for the MTA.

It’s a somewhat odd controversy considering that Winston Zeddemore, the character played by Ernie Hudson in the original films, becomes a Ghostbuster without having any scientific background and just having answered a classified ad. He even says in the movie when asked if he believes in the paranormal “If there’s a


That’s just my demonic hair? I’ll allow it.

It’s actually really expensive stuff. My boss had a tenant that bailed on his lease and left a warehouse full of human hair extensions and wigs. We made back all the money he owed us and then some with the auction. Tens of thousands of dollars.

I’d go to Great Lengths to be safe.

Artist’s rendering of the perpetrator

Stealing. Hair. That sounds like something so effing crazy that it'd be a viable career path in the Mad Max universe. What year is this? Where am I? What the hell is happening?!

The power of Aqua Net compels you.

“I personally pray over everything I purchase.”

Nene knows.

So there will be... hell toupee.

However, now some locals have decided that the money isn’t the motive—it’s that the hair itself is haunted by evil spirits

This story was given credence, on the news, in 2016. That dead people’s hair might be, could be, definitely, is cursed. 2016.

*running out to buy sage hairspray*

*especially* rich people alleged murdery gloves

It always fit.