
The only aliens allowed at Augusta are the grounds crew.

Thank god Neville was wrestling a pro like Jericho who knew exactly how to act in that situation.

This. I like Brock, Trevathan, Malik, etc, but Elway has been making allt he right decisions every year in Free agency. I am not going to start doubting him now.

To be fair, they had a lot of defensive injuries in 2015, plus a whole mess on the O-line (especially at left tackle). One reason they remained dominant on D is their great depth — their backups would be starters most places. The losses to FA this year will hurt that depth a bit, but it’s not catastrophic. They still

you can take the Rams out of Ferguson but you cant take the Ferguson out of the Rams!

Diaz got so bloodied so early that it was awesome when the second round started and they were just standing there trading blows. I’m glad someone humbled McGregor a little bit. I don’t dislike him, but everyone (sooner or later) gets rocked in the UFC. That was a pretty fun fight to watch.

Yeah but the only reason Diaz fights that heavy is all the munchies. Dude lost to a pothead on 11 days notice.

They crashed, lived on the island, and some of them died there. Some escaped, lived long lives, and died elsewhere. When each of them died they went to the “sideways” universe (which exists outside space and time), as portrayed in the final season, to ... figure out stuff. *That* could be described as purgatory, but

They weren’t in purgatory!

I would argue that it was an attempted RKO that Clay blocked at the last moment. As a knower of pedantic wrestling facts, you would know that Randy Orton never hits the first RKO, but always the second one “out of nowhere.”

Once you get to the point of “murdered a thirteen year old girl” I don’t think it matters whether it’s federal crime or not anymore. You’re probably going away forever.

“. . . the only pic of him you can find to use is a screencap of him being named the Student Athlete of the Week?

Welcome! You must be new here. This is called irony. Also dark humor. In this case, quite dark. But still humorous, and also copacetic because the joke is at the expense of the sicko dillweed murderer.

Dude is accused of abducting and killing a teenage girl, and the only pic of him you can find to use is a screencap of him being named the Student Athlete of the Week?

This is a Jaguar and a Jaguar beat reporter we’re talking about. Haven’t they both suffered enough?

As soon as I saw booty used like that, I knew it was you.

The Jacksonville Jaguars got walloped by the Houston Texans today to end their season at 5-11. The team lost their playoff chances a few weeks ago