Also: it’s in some Macklemore song my 9yo daughter listens to. So, there’s that.
Also: it’s in some Macklemore song my 9yo daughter listens to. So, there’s that.
If I was funny, I would have realized that. The hilarious commentariat will be one of the great legacies of Deadspin.
Not going to lie. It would be a funny joke if you forgot who said it....
Every man has two deaths, when he is buried in the ground and the last time someone says his name. In some ways men can be immortal. - Ernest Hemingway
I’m just here to tell Jim Spanfeller, Paul Maidment and the rest of the cowards to get fucked.
Pro tip: every day is the wrong day to stop sniffing glue.
no booze is fine, you are right. What is not fine is making people wear heels and then pay for booze. That is rude
Please do not disparage my good blog. All regular blogs are Just Look Nice; blogs in the feature format are Very Fancy.
... tell me more, please.
Maybe if it’s in a box? There’s a three step process that they say works pretty well...
cinematic history is very misleading about the success garnered from this strategy.
Probably some arcane CBA rule no one ever knew about that nets them a compensatory draft pick in perpetuity.
Apparently this is why we need a wall on the Colorado border.
“The male subject responded, ‘no, can you give me 10 seconds.’”
22 mph on a treadmill???? Mine maxes out at 10mph and the only time I put it all the way up was when I drunkenly rode my longboard on it.
“it’s in their hands now”
I came away from Free Solo with a very different take on Honnold. But, I agree that he’ll probably die on a rock.
Hey man, drunk Joe Namath still asked for consent.
I was only on the site to to figure out how to stay away from the site.