I understand this dog. I mean, who among us has never chewed the locks off of a container to eat a dozen chocolate muffins?
Dogs really are smart.
The things we do for our pets! My dog goes nuts when left alone and destroys everything in sight (separation anxiety + boredom), but also refuses to get into his crate when we leave. He has eaten almost an entire couch (yes a COUCH) and a plush chair and several other pieces of furniture in protest of being left…
Or a dead squirrel! Or some poo!
That adorably fluffy face will be a nice palate cleanser for the day.
This was the perfect palate cleanser for today’s news. Love you, Luna the dog!
Please reply to this comment with a picture of your dog, it’s the least you can do for #nationaldogday.
This is without question the best thing I have ever read on Jezebel.
I got into a pointless exchange with some nut job who believed more people die from hammers and knives than hand guns, probably from what he read on Facebook.
I appreciate your sentiment, but I think the “American mindset” is so fucked up (e.g. the glorification of violence and warfare, the libertarian impulse, centrist politics, etc.) that it will take generations (at least) for attitudes on guns to change enough to make real policy chance feasible.
The fact that murdered children couldn’t make changes in our gun laws, and the fact that this won’t either? I quit.
Whenever I think about that morning, I feel like giving up on this stupid fucking country. Little innocent children are murdered, and we do nothing? What kind of people are we? I wish I knew what to do.
Honestly, right when they cut to her, she probably wasn’t paying attention to what was happening on the remote broadcast and just knew something that wasn’t supposed to happen did. Nothing against her personally, that’s just the way morning local news operates. Going to remote gives the people in the studio time to do…