
1 - I’m not upset. 2 - Trump will be President, and that’s just life. I did forget, though, that one must not stray from the premise of a piece and criticize anything within it. We must not stray.

“A few of them can barely say Trump’s name without their voice cracking.”

“Fuck you to everyone who didn’t vote for my candidate.”

Sometimes I feel like Belichick’s need to outsmart everyone else (plus himself) at every turn is the sole reason why the Patriots don’t win the Super Bowl every damn year.

Jay Bruce. Sweet Christ. We are so fucked.

I don’t know why - maybe it’s the negative coverage, reading about him through the lens of a sportswriter or his being a player from an opposing team - but I’ve been conditioned to dislike the guy and it’s my first reaction. I even came here to comment to that effect, and I planned on asking you why you guys love him

This turned out to be on the mark. What a shitty week that was.

My HS wrestling coach tried to fight me in the hallway between classes because I quit the team (end of senior year). He was rolling me out into higher weight classes, in some cases 20 pounds over my wrestling weight of 148, because I was adept at not getting pinned (sad!). I didn’t win much, but a three point loss was

S/he said “one of the better ones out there.” Not “one of the better ones at Fox.” The original comment is accurate, yours is a pointless score for likes on a site that leans so far left it falls off the nearest cliff.

Yes. It’s good. It’s his job to moderate or referee, not debate. Once he fact-checks candidates in real time, he’s a participant. Pointed questions about fallacious statements is fine. Rebuttals? Good. Engaging in a fact-check on every single statement (which can be done, especially depending on which colored glasses

The one caveat I would add - in cases where a non-call that was challenged becomes a valid penalty, the enforcement shouldn’t be a spot foul. Once you introduce extra judgment on judgment calls, there’s too many cooks in the kitchen. If a penalty has to be applied, make it 15 yards.

No, they’re not far off the mark. Not when it comes to the vitriol & tone used covering him, specifically on this website.

Nothing gets you guys off quite like railing on Tim Tebow. Yea, I know he’s a crappy baseball player. Yes, he was a crappy football player. Yes, this is a marketing ploy and your right to call it as such. But the fervor with which you knock the guy is...something. Makes me think all those flyover evangelical nutboobs

Sometimes as humans it’s hard to put our prejudices aside to see clearly. I believe any woman who says this has happened to her and I stand with any woman who has said she has been violated in any way.

I can’t imagine any Knick fans being that bad, considering this team has been worthless since the Ewing days. Though I’m in New York, so I’ll have to take you at your word.

Knicks fans don’t suffer from the same sense of entitlement or delusions of grandeur. We know they’re bad, and will always be bad. So it’s not as funny.

Sportswriters can be a bunch of cocks, but this Blue Jays team is a bunch of thin-skinned pansies. They cadillac every big hit and then wet their pants when a pitcher with no control grazes one of their elbows. They throw bats around like they’re napkins in McFadden’s at 1:30 in the morning and then magically end up

Something I’ve noticed with the “score crawl” at the bottom of the screen, which perhaps explains its use: Like you said, you’re drawn to reading information that’s easily accessible anywhere. But I find myself drifting to it during a lull in play, or some other bullshit, which is when I start thinking about changing

I know it comforts you to actually believe “white people” are voting for the man because he’s a racist idiot. I get it. I know you feel better about yourself, or your profession, to be so shortsighted.

As a Mets fan, I can say that I looked forward to seeing him pitch. I was weirdly excited to see him again this season (which would have been tonight), even knowing he could help doom our playoff hopes.