
Yeah, sorry about that 

The UAW has, indeed, not always been a good partner for the auto industry. But to take those failings (which, in reality are far less than their accomplishments for workers) and say, “see! All unions are bad, go bust ‘em Elon!” is pretty disingenuous and/or ahistorical. 

You’re right! I always mess that up.

My life is very empty.

That part was just a joke.

Hey, sorry. It’s a reference to Van Halen’s infamous concert rider. Except I screwed it up and it was about *brown* M&Ms.

There’s probably that stuff and a lot more in play with that decision (hello, Trump tariffs!).

There’s been quite a bit of reporting around the issue of worker safety and morale, and Elon’s response has been to deflect or attack the journalists, which is ... not confidence inspiring.

Interesting point. And, yeah, I don't think it's impossible he's in the right here, but I don't think we should dismiss it out of hand either. 

Okay, I’ll take a stab at it. Off the top of my head:

So I’ve been thinking of doing something similar with my car. Are you going to have someone clear coat over top of it?

I’m in the hospital with my son (who was born yesterday), and an amazing thing happened right after I got here.

My first name is Ian, so I’m uniquely qualified to answer this. As much as I have that asshole from 90210 for telling everyone the incorrect pronunciation of our shared name, you defer to the person. It just seems like pretty common courtesy to let people define their own identity, and your name is pretty central to

Well, I can’t say you have good taste, but I can say what everyone in 2018 dreads hearing: I have a podcast.

It’s a real person’s name! If it were just some random German word, you’d have every right to go nuts, but it’s not. You’re mispronouncing a real person’s name.

Ford Tempo? Those little pinstripes look familiar....

They couldn’t call any of them Volkswagen or their tracking chip would’ve shorted out.

Edit: still.

That’s not entirely true - California has an exemption that allows them to enforce stricter laws than the federal standard. This is via the Clean Air Act, so he’d need Congress to help roll that back, but there is federal involvement.