Team Zissou

I suspect in the two-movie version, Steppenwolf was just a harbinger of Darkseid.

I still feel like one of the biggest, most fundamental errors of the movie was in choosing Steppenwolf as the bad guy. Given how many iconic villains DC has, choosing one who’s a deep cut even among the sub-set of the sub-set of the sub-set of people who care about the Fourth World mythos just seems to be an obvious

Give yourself some Lee-way.

“Made money” has to be considered next to “how much did it cost?” And that number is $300m. It’s the second most expensive movie ever made. It didn’t even make back its money in domestic gross.

I thought World of Wakanda turned out pretty great, despite the slow start. I was really disappointed in its cancellation after 6 issues, because it was good on its own and very very good as a supplement to the main black panther series.

And painstakingly removing feet from every character

You’ll be glad to hear that, in addition to the reshoots, the studio spent $28.7 million digitally adding pouches to each character’s costume.

You clicked on the article, read it, and then commented on it.

So... you?

It’s a funny movie with genuinely likeable characters put in situations that feel incredibly believable. It’s not reinventing the wheel, but it doesn’t have to.

Baby Driver was utterly forgettable.

The thing I love about Scream 2 is that every victim does the things that would make them safe in a horror movie...but they don’t work. When they go to a public place with lots of people around, they’re murdered and everyone thinks it’s a publicity stunt. When they stand on the street in broad daylight, they’re

Parker Posey as Jennifer Jolie as Gale Weathers is hands down my favorite Parker Posey role, and she is a lady who has played some terrifically fun roles in her career. She must have had a great time filming it.

Scream 2 was my favorite as a teen as it felt more fun and off the cuff than Scream. We won’t mention Scream 3.

It was also my first experience with a movie that would kill one of it’s most loved characters. Just the image of Jamie Kennedy getting snatched, the van rocking as he screams, then the uncover of his bloody

The FFIV DS remaster was wonderful in some areas, less wonderful in others.

The stupid girlfriend is the nicest character in the movie and she delivers the movie’s central theme. She also is the only character in the movie who is genuinely a good person and doing good things. She works with animals and the disabled.

What I’m waiting for is for one of the people who dislike the movie because of Sam Rockwell’s redemption to tell me when exactly his character was redeemed.

It was pointed out on Reddit etc. already, but:

Yeah this sounds like a way stupid idea

This isn’t ridiculous though, SOTC is one of the best video games of all time, and making it easier for people to play long after it came out isn’t a bad thing.

Tbh I really don’t see the problem with rereleases, though if there was any way to collect data on how work on remakes affects the industry as a whole I would be interested in seeing it. The complaining just seems a little elitist to me, if it’s a good game I don’t see why it shouldn’t be as accessible as possible. If