Team Zissou

This is 40 gives it some stiff competition.

I think that was the intended effect: that Eddie Brock was meant to be like a dark version of Peter Parker. It just wasn’t executed well.

I’m surprised how quickly once-hit franchises can die from a single bad entry. Before Andromeda, I wouldn’t have believed for a second that they might just drop the Mass Effect series after one poorly received entry. Same with other series like Dead Space. It’s like the movie industry with franchises, but even less

One thing that excites me: the relative size of Mega Man compared to the rest of the screen. Some games in the series have gotten it wrong in the past by zooming in too close. It looks like this is promising change in response to increasing screen sizes in modern times.

He infamously came back with a mullet when he was revived in the comics, so there’s already some weird precedent for him coming back with an inexplicable change in appearance.

The distinction is important! I have to admit I started buying fewer Marvel trades once they switched to a cheaper format with super thin pages and extreme gutter loss. I’m always half worried the paper is going to spontaneously rip while turning the page.

I’ve never read it but it seems like something that would be right up my alley. How does it compare to something like X-Statix? (My favorite superhero comic run) Are they tonally similar?

I don’t know whether to judge or dread who could possibly get accused next.

Is this a new review format that’s meant to troll readers? Because that giant “A” at the top of the review made me laugh out loud as I scrolled through looking for the actual score.

The funniest thing about Eric Roberts (besides the whole Julia’s brother thing) is that he’s got this really eclectic B-movie filmography and then you throw in this one obvious outlier called THE DARK KNIGHT.

I had the same concerns when I first saw the trailer for this one. The graphic novel is really fascinating in a way where Derf seems to be using the medium as a form of therapy to better understand this period of his life and the strange ways it overlapped with one of our country’s most infamous killers. The trailer

Yeah I wouldn’t quite dismiss the scare factor of those games. Suspense is definitely the main part of the game as described in the article, but I can distinctly remember many times when I cried out in terror while playing RE2. One was when the licker jumped through the one-way mirror in the interrogation room.

The book is even worse in terms of tension. Literally the first 4/5 of the book is written diary-style, so each chapter ends with him going “Hmmm now how am I going to solve this impossible problem?” only to be immediately followed by a chapter that opens with “So here is how I just solved that problem.” It’s the

Mac Gargan is in Homecoming too. I think that pretty much rules out the other options.

Yeah I was a little annoyed by the sequel spoilers, given that Deckard’s status was left ambiguous in the reviews I’ve skimmed so far.

They also had no qualms with posting reviews from people who attended test screenings and even illegal leaked copies - Knowles somehow watched a blurry copy of Attack of the Clones several months before release. For a while, sites like AICN had a big impact on studio releases due to leaks. In the long period between

I’d also really dig Amy Adams as Bev. And according to Wikipedia...

You have to give the guy a little credit. Taylor Swift would never do this in a million years.

So was Vinnie Jones as Juggernaut. *Shudder*

What do you mean everyone?