Team Zissou

Wow that seems to have done the trick. Thank you! Now ublock and I will be unstoppable!

That’s what I use and it works like gangbusters on most sites, including the old AV Club. It doesn’t catch the autoplaying videos on kinjanthough, but maybe I just need to check for updates.

The auto-playing videos that are seemingly adblock-proof are becoming the final straw for me. It’s terrible web design when these choices are preventing users from wanting to scroll any further in your articles.

I am a bit interested in this game, but the many already announced DLC characters have made me hold off on even thinking about buying it until there’s an inevitable Ultimate Edition that is heavily discounted. Same with Injustice 2. I know I’m not going to buy any of the DLC, and I’ll just be bitter about not having

I’m already dreading the inevitable next game in the series: Inhumans vs. Capcom.

I love Aronofsky’s work and this is the first time I’ve gotten a good look at him. WOW. That guy’s dating Jennifer Lawrence?

I find it odd that out of all the implausible things in this franchise, that’s the hill that so many people choose to die on. The next movie has FLYING CARS for Christ’s sake! The one after that has an entire city full of rampaging drone cars.

The latest one was still a hit, but there was a noticeable decline in box office receipts from the previous few entries. Spinning off at this point is quite a gamble that could pay off or just topple the whole thing.

This interview has gotten me a bit more hopeful about this series. Novelists making the transition to comics can be rather hit-or-miss, but it seems like she her tastes align with mine in terms of what she loved about the original run. I also think Kris Anka is a great fit for this series.

I would trade a Colin Trevorrow movie for a J.J. Abrams one ANY DAY.

It’s also such a strange and intimate movie that keeping it away from the large scale city set piece managed to help reinforce the movie’s themes.

Have you read Sean Howe’s Marvel Comics: The Untold Story? Stan Lee is absolutely a fascinating character throughout. It’s a long journey of him trying to find legitimacy by using comics as a path to breaking into the movies. He avoided using his real name on his comics work because he wanted to save it for the *next*

It’s really a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it cameo. He doesn’t even have a single line and is basically an extra. My guess is that he’s just Johnson’s good luck charm at this point. The Abrams/Grunberg comparison is an accurate one.

Aaron Paul’s reaction mirrors the audience’s. It’s a solid twist because of the initial shock, and then the extra moment afterwards when you realize what this is probably going to mean for Jesse Pinkman.

She seems pretty reasonable here and is basically invoking the Bechdel test in everything but name. Props to her for that.

Thanks for linking this! I didn’t realize the community was still alive somewhere else. I’m migrating over. Seriously this is a game-changer.

I also wish DC would leave Watchmen alone!

The fight scenes in Batman Begins are even worse, especially the prison brawl with Bale and a bunch of nameless extras in the beginning. I think Nolan was just trying to go for the Paul Greengrass Bourne effect and it took him a couple movies to realize he wasn’t good at it. The Bane fights in TDKR are not the most

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind is a film that I absolutely love (mostly because of Sam Rockwell), but it doesn’t have much of a directorial stamp. There are some neat tricks like the long-takes with the rotating sets, but most of its style seems to be cribbing off of Clooney’s best bud Soderbergh.

I don’t understand a universe in which Lyla Garrity can be considered the worst while Julie Taylor still exists.