Team Zissou

Hey! What did you read this week?

Isn’t AoS even closer under Perlmutter’s purview though? Kevin Feige got to escape from his meddling, but Ike is still able to meddle with Jeph Loeb and the TV shows.

Honestly it seems like they were hoping for this to become a breakout hit without being tied down to AoS, which can be a solid show but essentially has a small cult following compared to the other MCU films and shows.

I’m sobbing because I’m still playing Persona and I’ve had it since preorder. I haven’t been allowed to play another game in oh so long.

I’m sobbing because I’m still playing Persona and I’ve had it since preorder. I haven’t been allowed to play another

This seems to be the most exciting creative choice that Fox has made with the X-Men franchise outside of hiring Noah Hawley for Legion.

I hope this one works out for him. He’s had such bad luck with the superhero industry. He bafflingly hasn’t released another project since the instant classic Cabin in the Woods, which most of fandom seems to attribute to Joss Whedon anyway. He was going to follow it with Daredevil but had to derail his work on that

Have the slow zombies on TWD ever been scary though? Any time a character is dumb enough to get bitten by one on the show, it gets torn apart in the comments for being so illogical and unsatisfying (ex: Tyreese). They’re just another slow, boring part of a painfully slow, boring show.

Even more than his obvious duds like Jersey Girl and Cop Out, Zack and Miri is likely the film that’s most responsible for Smith’s downfall for one reason: Seth Rogen ignited his newfound passion for weed. Much as I love Rogen, we wouldn’t have ended up with Smith’s Final Form if it wasn’t for him.

The “Evening with Kevin Smith” specials are truly great. He used to be a really entertaining storyteller and the Superman Returns / Jon Peters story is possibly his masterpiece of his entire career.

There is zero chance of him ever assembling a cast of that stature again.

My echo dot sits right in front of the TV, so The Terror actually turned mine on when he said that joke! Alexa misheard it as a Modest Mouse request though, so it was rather poor advertising for a product I already own

I don’t think Brooklyn Nine-Nine has matched the highs of The Office or Parks & Rec because the tone doesn’t really allow for as much emotional depth, but it’s been a hell of a lot more consistent. Unlike those other two shows, I can’t really say when it’s actually peaked. It came pretty strong right out the gate and

He’s pretty bad to Amy Adams during the first 1 and a half seasons too. And she was AMY ADAMS. I felt bad for rooting for him. That dude treated his love interests horribly.

Now playing

The music in this game is so fucking awesome. My favorite is the song that plays whenever you enter the last stage of a dungeon to steal the treasure. It never fails to pump me up for a boss fight.

Hey where’s the Big Issues post? I thought these things were going to be weekly!

Guy’s got a real nostalgia boner for his own stories. Leaves me very worried.

Just of those 3 named, he’s definitely the one whose career would have benefited from it most.

Just the way it ends - with the two friends parting in different directions with their love interests and being terrified about facing the future alone - is enhanced by being a few years removed from the experience. You can’t really be nostalgic for something you’re currently experiencing.

“If I ran a third time it would be sort of like doing a third ‘Hangover’ movie.”

The Big Two usually doesn’t put their best talent on these digital-first books.