Team Zissou

I’m a little confused how this is available for free on Comixology Unlimited but not on Marvel’s own digital platform. Or maybe that’ll happen on a 6-month delay like their regular monthly titles?

After K-2 and I, Robot, Tudyk has become my go-to favorite robot voice.

It was picked up for a full season, so we’re definitely getting the next 6 episodes at some point. I read an interview where Ben Edlund said they purposefully decided to release it in two chunks just so that the show wouldn’t quickly disappear from the cultural conversation, like most streaming shows that release all

I actually enjoy the Christmas Star Wars releases because it means I get to watch them with my friends and family when I go home for the holidays. Given how much the movies so far have relied on nostalgia, the release dates have certainly played into that. I don’t think they’re going to maintain that release schedule

They can be really slow to catch on with these things. A big part of why this summer has been considered bad is that the release windows on these blockbusters have gotten wider. Several of the Fast movies have released in early spring and cleaned up. Even BvS came out a year ago around February or March.

Whoa! A Comics Panel dedicated to a single review, and posted on a Tuesday? Plus the offhanded mention last week that Big Issues will now be weekly again? This is great news. I’m guessing that the comics section got a much-deserved boost from the overlords after the recent Eisner win.

Man, I’m really impressed by this news. Now an Asian actor is actually going to get this part because of this action he took. As an Asian American who loves pop culture, it’s been a rough couple of years with the casting decisions made onscreen. Reading this actually made my day, and I hope others can follow his

It came out earlier in August and cleaned up pretty nice. Suicide Squad did similarly well last year, in spite of horrific reviews. I don’t know why August is such a wasteland this year by comparison.

Given how she’s stubbornly avoided politics (aside from a completely apolitical instagram of her line to vote), I don’t see her making any kind of statement that would damage her demographics. Even if she knew about this neo-Nazi stuff, I get the feeling that she wouldn’t do anything about it.

The most infuriating thing was that the Sansa vs. Arya bait and switch was completely USELESS as they didn’t even bring it up during the surprise Trial of Littlefinger. It only served the purpose of catching him off guard, as the Starks continued to throw accusations at him without any physical evidence but using

In spite of combining the flaws of both Robb and Ned, he manages to keep failing upwards and is now being telegraphed to become the true ruler of the seven goddamn kingdoms. That endgame plot armor is stronger than even the Curse of the Noble but Dumb Starks.

The very fact that people think that is even remotely plausible should tell her that she jas a serious PR problem.  

Hey glad you’re here nonetheless! What was your old handle?

For Fantastic Four? The Matt Fraction/Mike Allred FF series is really great and continues the Future Foundation threads in a really fun way. I’d say that’s the only continuation that’s worth seeing out. It’s also available in one omnibus with Fraction’s main Fantastic Four book with Mark Bagley, which is pretty

Before I read Hickman’s FF, I was concerned it would come off as cold and alienating. Maybe the Future Foundation costumes made that impression too. Once I read it though, it turned out to have heart, humor, and intelligence all at once.

Seems like we didn’t lose the Non-Stop pun threads in the apocalypse.

Hey man, when I first tried to make a comment, it gave me the option of porting over my disqus account. I clicked a button and it seemed like nothing happened. Then a minute later I tried to comment again and saw that my name and pic appeared so I could tell it worked.

Hi AM! Good to see you. It’s like wandering around a post apocalyptic world and finding fellow survivors out here.

It’s a dead book walking. I think it’s getting a new writer under the new Punisher War Machine armor direction. At this point most of the name Marvel series feel like they’re just a loosely connected sequence of minis by different writers.

Oh cool, so now we’re playing nice with Spotify. Way to stick to your principles. How did Apple Music work out for ya?