Team Zissou

My teacher did the same thing, except pressed the wrong button and managed to PAUSE on the exact moment she was trying to skip.

I remember The Matrix (with its Follow the White Rabbit feature) and later Fight Club were huge deals that got people buying into the DVD phenomenon.

I think you're right. There's definitely an embargo with those characters on t-shirts and even the latest Marvel vs. Capcom game is heavily sanitized to just the MCU heroes.

The one silver lining to Millar's success is that great artists like Stuart Immonen, Sean Murphy, and John Romita Jr. get to live a little more comfortably.

That Iceman comic is pretty good!

A big difference is that Marvel retains the merchandising rights to Spider-Man, while Fox gets to have it all with their properties. That's one of the main reasons why Marvel is able to play nice with Sony but no one else. That's why it's so rare to see an X-Men or FF shirt sold in a mainstream store like Target,

He looks a LOT like Vinnie Chase in his Golden Globe-winning DJ superhero movie.

They even got the pouches.

It was a weird thing that was announced - "Mark Millar is the new Kevin Feige for the Fox Marvel Franchises" - and then immediately contradicted by the the directors. Bryan Singer said that Millar had absolutely nothing to do with DoFP, for example.

It really doesn't mean anything unless they get some big talent on these series/movies. Most of his big hits have been under Matthew Vaughn who was able to spin some success out of lesser material. Wanted ignores almost its entire source material and Kick-Ass 2 is pure garbage that probably resembles its creator's

I haven't caught up on any of the Second Semester issues yet, but the book lost me a little with its wheel-spinning Yearbook arc and the abysmal Lumberjanes crossover mini-series. The book also stopped feeling right for me after Kerschl quit drawing it, but these preview pages make it look like they eventually settled

The feud is having a bizarre effect on the comics too. Now that the publishing side is completely removed from the movies, the creators know as little as we do about upcoming movies and are just doing complete guesswork to create stories that will lure in more casual fans.

At the very least, Colleen Wing is one of my favorite characters on all of the Netflix shows.

Christina Applegate

There's a certain shriek of audience shock/laughter that captures the surprise of the moment pretty well. It gives you more context on rewatching than you would get out of a single camera show without a live audience.

Ross 1.0 was such a sad sack that it was hard to believe he was supposed to be the male romantic lead of the central relationship on the show. Ross 2.0 - Dumb Ross - was basically my favorite character during the last couple seasons. Especially since the previous title holder, Chandler, was fat and neutered by that

I thought he was a goner once he dropped his money and left it! Truly a sign for desperate times.

I am happy any time there are more Valiant books on my reading pile.

One of Shishio's Ten Swords is rather prominently featured and is sometimes referred to as a cross-dressing gay man and other times as a transvestite, with a lot of jokes that don't hold up today. I'm assuming it was less alarming at the time it came out, but from the Persona video games I believe that the Japanese

I got into comics around the time of the Professor iteration and the typical "Hulk Smash" version of the character always seemed kinda basic and uninteresting to me for the longest time. It was a weird quirk from just getting into comics at that particular time. Kinda like how I'll always prefer a married Spider-Man