Team Zissou

He used to be a writer for Bleeding Cool, right? That's literally the only thing I know about him, but it sounds like that's going to change soon.

Given my deep back catalog of games and particularly JRPGs, it really annoys me that this remaster of FFXII sounds so good that it makes me want to play it again. The new job system alone seems to warrant it.

I haven't read very much of PAD's Hulk run, but is it because the Professor iteration allowed him to write the book in the most lighthearted PAD-like fashion? There wasn't a lot of angst around that version, from what I remember.

I agree with you on Allred's writer/artist stuff vs. what he just draws. I really love how other writers are able to draw more pathos and emotional depth to the characters, which produces a really lovely effect when you pair it with his Silver Age art style which is usually aimed more towards whimsy. X-Statix, Silver

The tie-ins were a lot better than usual too, at the expense of replacing their ongoing titles for many months. Little did we know that that was the actual moment Marvel really did blow up their entire publishing line before endless cycles of relaunches. In hindsight, it was a bold move that quickly became the norm.

They don't even know how many Sand Snakes there are!

I order from them all the time. They are the bomb. Shipping is kinda slow and can take 2-3 weeks, but they don't cut any corners on the packaging so the book condition is always perfect. I'd say they're better than Amazon in that regard.

The Karate Kid remake was more entertaining than I thought it'd be. At the very least, Jackie Chan gives one of his better late-period performances. It really should have been called Kung Fu Kid though. There's no karate in it!

Thanks for the suggestions! I didn't even know there was a Kenshin sequel manga, but I'll definitely check it out.

*Sets a Google Alert for Orphan & Uncle Clayface Team-Up Book announcement*

Unless you're working for DC, I don't really know any workplace where hating Bob Kane can be seen as a demerit.

I have the Deluxe HC that came out a couple months ago. I'm really anticipating reading it, but I just want to afford it the due time and respect. Not like these library books that I sometimes speedread like they're worthless. I think that's why I have so much trouble finding time for these OGNs. I'm so overtly

For that final arc, the anime had a lot working against it because the first two OVA's covered the prequel aspects and did an excellent job at it already. Those OVA's are probably my favorite adaptation of Kenshin. Period. I even bought the soundtrack!

I used to have a lot of trouble with that rushed feeling too. It's hard to convince yourself not to place so much pressure on a single date or person, I can understand. I eventually believed that it was worth it just to get to know someone and learn about another person's experience and perspective. Best of luck to

A question that's been bothering me lately…

Fraction/Aja Hawkeye!

I haven't read the latest issue, but Iceman has been much better than I expected. I went in with low expectations because I saw on Twitter that Oliver hated it, but it's the first time I've felt like the recent developments around Iceman have worked. I like that he's still an annoying man-child who still manages to be

Hello! I've missed you guys. I've been off on my honeymoon in Japan and just returned earlier this week. It was basically my dream vacation and I wished it never had to end. Every day was just filled with so many exciting things and once-in-a-lifetime experiences, like being able to drive through Tokyo in a go-kart

Whew! I've been away for a couple weeks, so here's what I read:

Dan Slott was the one who really brought her back with those GLA specials. Bendis didn't do much except creepily imply that Wolverine had sex with a teenager.