Team Zissou

It'd also be nice if the movie used more of the specially commissioned Belle & Sebastian soundtrack it mostly discarded.

I think the East Texas reference is regarding the setting of Hell or High Water. So both of his previous scripts.

11th Dimension is a killer single.

Adams' insults are so dumb and middle school that they somehow turn around to being awesome and hilarious.

It was also the shiny look of the rainforest that pushes the movie closest to Star Wars prequel territory. I remember watching comparison clips of the car chase before and after the CGI and immediately pinpointing what felt so wrong about the movie. The "before" footage looked so much more in line with the original

The B&W version of the movie is pretty impressive too. The only downside is that there's some dodgy CGI that ruins the classic feel in a couple scenes. I think the movie would have been amazing if the creatures looked more like The Thing.

It was probably better than any movie version of the book probably could have been. Even then they had to cut out stuff people loved, which was mostly the school stuff. A lot of what they added was questionable too (the idiot sidekick). There are a couple episodes that turned out legitimately great though.

They only made that movie to stop the rights from reverting back to Marvel.

Infamous Iron Man isn't fully clicking for me just because he doesn't really read like Doom. He's just generic reformed bad guy 101 and doesn't seem to have either the flaws or arrogance that would immediately make him click as Doom. I can believe that he was transformed by Secret Wars but I really don't think he was

He was probably the highlight of Geoff Johns' Justice League run. I was really excited about the inclusion of Luthor and Cold on the team after Forever Evil. I was surprised that Cold was underused and quickly discarded considering Johns' history with the character, but Luthor was a delight throughout. It's too bad

Every scene he's in leads me to ask, "Why do people even talk to that guy?"

Given how disposable the sand snakes have been all along, I wholly approve of this Bad Pussy name because it helps us identify a specific character and also the nadir for the show*.

The hacker is played by Alan Cumming! Man, that movie has a great cast.

Maybe you should Bing it and see what comes up.

He only took that role because he was hungry for the spotlight. You should never do anything out of hunger — even eating.

It oversimplifies the protagonist's motivation by tying it all to his parents' divorce and foolishly tries to make the audience sympathize with him, compared to the book where it's still a riveting read even if you hate this entitled white dude.

And then had to promote the movie at Cannes, where they sat at different ends of the press table and didn't look at each other.

Half the time it's an older person with the brightness settings left way up high, holding it right in front of their face.

Man I can't wait for the next Joel Kinnaman movie.

It would be a crime to cast Cate Fucking Blanchett only to waste her time.