Team Zissou

Isn't that essentially the plot of Spider-Man 2 though? I mean, he doesn't have a cold or anything (though I think he did in a similar story in the early comics), but all the weight of his personal problems lead him to lose control of his powers because of psychosomatic issues.

It's unfortunate that the Cass Cain stuff was so bad and seems to be the only thing that people remember, but it felt like something that was editorially mandated because they didn't know what to do with the character. The book was really solid outside of that blemish. I really liked how the book handled the

If it's more in line with his Superior Foes and Ant-Man work, I'm totally on board. Most of all, I'm just excited to have the Slott era finally over with. I've enjoyed much of his work but I'm really ready to move on at this point.

And somehow it still pops up on lists for most romantic movies of all time. I'm totally with you on this one.

I first watched Manhattan after the revelations and could not overcome those feelings of being creeped out. I had seen the movie on so many lists of "Most romantic movies of all time" and I somehow went into it without knowing he was in a relationship with a 17-year-old in the movie.

I also have the red reprint. Man, what a weird period for comics. When I went threw my collection and got rid of most of my 90's comics, I made sure I held on to all the gimmick covers because they're so hilariously dated.

Oh my God! I forgot STARMAN. God damn it. I'm going back and editing this post now.

Haven't read it! There's actually a lot I haven't read. I have a lot of blind spots when it comes to Dick Grayson but I plan to read New Teen Titans at some point.

I've always liked Harry as a foil for Peter. I'm just kind of a sucker for stories about best friends turned enemies. The J.M. DeMatteis Spectacular Spider-Man storyline that ends in Harry's death is not perfect, but is probably the best version of the story that's been told before. I even think that James Franco did

Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker was such a tremendously selfish jerk that it created a barrier between me and those movies. I could tell something was wrong in the first movie when I realized I sympathized more with the random goons who were being victimized by the sarcastic bully in the Spider mask.

Hey! I appreciate the compliment. I really don't think I'm the top person for DC recommendations because I was always a Marvel guy growing up, but I really got into DC when I started working at a comic book store. But since our tastes are probably similar, off the top of my head I'd say…

I love the Hong Kong scene, especially because I can't help but think about TDK every time I'm there and looking at that skyline. It's such an awesome scene.

Honestly, it's mostly "good for superheroes." Sinestro Corps War is one of the best superhero event books ever though. He hasn't even come close to matching it.

He and Tim Drake were my favorite characters when I was a teenager. I have a framed comic book page from the Todd Dezago/Carlo Barberi run hanging on my living room wall. At my first SDCC, Ramos did a free Impulse sketch for me and it's a prized possession of mine. Nowadays he charges for just a signature!

While we're on that train, I'd have to throw in the Cassandra Cain Batgirl series by Kelley Puckett and Damion Scott too. They're collecting it in a similar format to the Tim Drake Robin series and the Nightwing books.

There are rumors that Kraven and Mysterio are getting their own spinoff films!!! Ugh! But in all seriousness, Mysterio is the villain I'd most want to see in a Spider-Man movie at this point. The whole fishbowl aesthetic rules.

A lot of his stuff is painfully bad when you consider how many titles he's written and how popular of a writer he is.

It's still enjoyable but I'd say there's a big drop after Waid leaves. It starts to feel like a book that is geared towards a younger audience than it was originally. I'd say the Todd Dezago run is worth checking out after Waid's if you're a fan, but I wouldn't call it essential.

If I were you, I would go with those Flash trades. I say that not as someone who has read them, but as someone who also wants to buy them and thinks that those trades are a great deal!

Geoff Johns' Flash is pretty good too…