Team Zissou

Without a doubt, I can remember the Secret Wars covers being the absolute coolest when I was a kid. Because I started collecting in the nineties, those issues were still at shops but priced out of my reach. The cover for the issue you mentioned was one of the greatest. How could you not want to know what happens

I just recently picked up the mini series that followed up Sentinel at a warehouse sale. I really loved that book and it hit me at the right time. It's a shame what happened to that kid.

He retired from comics a year ago, so it's gotten considerably less likely.

The Squadron Supreme issues were a step down and were a failed attempt to rope in more readers after they removed the Mature Readers label. Instead of trying to fix things, JMS just cut and run. It's probably best to stop once you reach the end of Supreme Power.

With all the reboots, it's hard to tell if she even exists in continuity at any given moment.

I really loved Supreme Power when I was teenager, but I was so annoyed by its abrupt ending that I gave away all my issues recently. There was never a cancellation. The last issue has a standard cliffhanger in the middle of a story arc and then JMS just never bothered to go back to the series. That kind of behavior is

I was most amused by how it could have felt like an actual Batman comic in continuity if it wasn't for the inclusion of Silver St. Cloud.

Those Gwenpool panels make me wonder…

For some reason, I have very vivid memories of being riveted by Tom DeFalco's truly awful Fantastic Four run in the 90's. If I had to name an exact comic, it would be the one where Human Torch is being hunted by Silver Sable & the Wild Pack (ugh) for going nova and destroying Empire State University. That's the comic

I spent my past week of free time watching a different Spider-Man movie every day. The last few days have been pretty rough on that end. I've long been an apologist for Spider-Man 3 but I now remember how much the movie dragged on when I saw it in theaters.

Hey everyone! What did you read this week?

You can spend hours waiting in line for Scott Snyder, Bendis, or Dan Slott these days whenever I go to shows in NYC. Meanwhile, Chris Claremont and David Lloyd are just chilling out. I really think it has to do with your booth presence. The guys who rarely ever table are the ones with the huge signing lines.

It cracks me up that those long boxes are organized under "JS." What other books could possibly be under that alphabet categorization?! You might as well throw in the extra letter and call them the "JSA" boxes.

That's a real bummer. I remember reading about her and their relationship in Sean Howe's Marvel Comics: The Untold Story. Everyone describes her as being truly gorgeous and they just generally sounded like a cool couple, even in spite of Stan's depiction of a huckster throughout the book. He was nonetheless a

Nolan tries have his cake and eat it too with this one. If you can believe it, when a character was referred to as a "fridge" earlier I didn't even think up the same female character as you did. Because yes, there are two fridgings in the movie! And the other one is just the kind of throwaway act that you're

It was pretty easy for her to just drop her entire life on such short notice, huh? Too bad we didn't learn anything about it.

Maybe Deborah will get a personality in the next one!

What are you gonna do, sue somebody over it?

After a few rewatches, I also realized that the most impressive stunt from the trailer/opening scene was completely unnecessary and he could have just driven straight.

There's that new editor's cut that got posted on Amazon a while ago by mistake and it eliminated that whole magically appearing butler scene and replaced it with Harry staring at a photo of himself with Peter and MJ before making his decision. So the footage did exist and we can only presume it got studio notes into