Team Zissou

I remember him talking about a big reason being not wanting to uproot his family once again. So much time has passed since then that his kids might be out of school and in college by now anyway. Plus it's not like he chose to leave - it sounds like it was contract negotiation and they had to follow through on their

Hell, Hank Pym originally died from that bullet in the climactic scene. That's why Michael Douglas wasn't originally contracted for any additional movies. It was a change that Reed decided to try out for options.

Counterpoint: Wet Hot American Summer, They Came Together, Baby Mama, Sisters

1/2 of the audience walked out of my free Neon Demon sneak preview last year.

I saw it at a free screening this week. Even this insane Mariah Carey cameo got cut out of the movie.

There's some handwaved explanation for that too. Apparently people are mentally incapable of seeing those things even if it's right in front of them. This includes the large number of unshipped copies of Matt Murdock's autobiography from Waid's run, which are now useless even though Kirsten's dad literally paid him one

It's reminiscent the Superior Spider-Man scenes set in Otto's psyche, where he was battling with the real Peter Parker for control. I suspect that's how we're going to get the real Steve back in the driver's seat, but it may also be a misdirection.

Daredevil saved the Purple Children from their dad the Purple Man, and to thank him they went ahead and used their father's power-amplifying machine to manipulate everyone in the world into forgetting DD's identity. Never mind that he never asked them to do it. Then he sees Kirsten and realizes she doesn't know his

I'm guessing she's just around for the current arc. And there's some flirtation, but I doubt it's going to go anywhere beyond that, given what's happening in the main Batman book.

Given how frequently Marvel/DC have dropped collections before a series in completed, I have a harder time trusting some of the big re-release initiatives because I know it's all dependent on how those first volumes play out. What if they kill the Epic Collections and we're left with a bunch of randomly determined

Peyton Reed came up with that scene!

The confusing numbering has been the only thing really holding me back about buying those books, but the price and quality of those things seem to more than justify the purchase. I should get on that soon. There are things like the Kirby/Lee FF that I've always wanted to read but have been holding out on eventually

At the very least, Axel-In-Charge was an entertaining source of cringeworthy bad PR quotes that could get dissected and made fun of ad nauseum.

And his longest arc was probably in Avengers Arena, which was absolutely not an Avengers book. Confusing!

Are they numbered by creator? Or just from some arbitrary starting point? For example, does X-Men start with the Giant Size era or the original Silver Age comics? You see this is why I'm confused!

This is the most I've liked Superman since All-Star.

I really want to pick up Gerard Way's Doom Patrol based on how much I've loved his other books. I'm definitely going to check out Morrison's first because it seems like required reading.

Spoilers! Don't read until after you've finished the Dark Angel Saga.

There's a lot of those Epic Collections I want to pick up, but the order is so confusing. Do they have any sensible of numbering or naming structure? Most are organized by some arbitrary title doesn't help distinguish which stories are contained or where you should start.

Wait, is he an X-Men villain? I literally can't remember whose arch-nemesis he's supposed to be. I mostly associate him with the X-Men because of that one Claremont/Byrne story and the video game co-starring Spider-Man.