Team Zissou

Did you read the reveal of how his secret ID got erased? Ugggghhh I hated it.

Tangled Web is probably my favorite anthology series. I'm still picking up the occasional issue I missed the first time around. I just got the Flowers for Rhino two-parter at a cheap floppy sale.

What was even the point of the latest opening scene with the alternate Cap, Bucky, and Sam? It felt like there wasn't even any new information this time.

Why do so many of these event books have so little shit happening over multiple issues? Secret Invasion is probably the worst paced one (How much time did they spend in that damn Savage Land?!), but lately these events have gotten even longer with more filler. It feels like a money grubbing cheat.

I only had the Visionaries trade by Nocenti and they only covered the earlier issues with Typhoid Mary. I should pick this up to get more!

They need people who are more in touch with young people to know how to market their books these days. Almost all the major players at Marvel are older dudes. They don't have a Geoff Johns or Tom King on their bench. The youngest major voice at Marvel is probably Nick Spencer and he's basically an internet troll.

I still like the book, but I admittedly feel a little awkward when I recommend it to non-comic reading friends at bookstores and then they flip through those pages and look shocked.

90's comics really feel like the most baffling change when you switch from the 2000's onward or even the 80's. You can somehow read them and get a sense of how the entire mainstream industry felt like at the time. 90's comics can feel like Rob Liefeld's Levis commercial in comic book form.

I'm getting ready by rewatching every Spider-Man movie. I'm actually watching Spider-Man 2.1 (my preferred cut) this very moment. Let's see how I'm doing in the next few days…

The Zatanna/Bruce scenes were like fire to me. I was one of the few who actually loved it when Dini shipped them in his Detective run. In hindsight, a big complaint I can make about all previous issues in this current run is that they didn't feature enough Zatanna until now.

Uncanny X-Force is probably my favorite X-book of all time, but I didn't realize that one's enjoyment can depend on their familiarity and love of AoA. That big event was such a beloved story for people like me who were at the right age when it came out. It's been frustrating to see how many attempts to continue it

My school's graduation was today. This was a really fun one for me because I got to perform a song with a student and my friend at work. I rarely play guitar these days and had never performed with a group of people before, so it was an awesome experience to do in front of my co-workers and students.

Animal Man Omnibus - Grant Morrison typically has a 60-70% success rate with me, and I can now say that this is one of my favorites of the work he's done. A key difference with this series and some of his later writing is that he grounds the action in a likable, relatable character before diving into the headier

I had to do a double take to see if he was her boyfriend Eric Andre (no, really).

It literally sounds like a continuation of the character he already played for 6 years.

He's notorious for using a bunch of fake stunts to promote his books. A while ago he tweeted photos of a supposed A-list actress in disguise holding up a copy of his then-new comic Empress, stating that a huge movie was about to be announced. It was all BS and he just wanted the publicity.

It certainly didn't help that I saw it in the same week as Wonder Woman.

I think Wedding Crashers had the bigger box office take, though both were huge successes. There was a while when the comedians associated with the movie were part of a bigger group commonly referred to as The Frat Pack (Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson, Ben Stiller, Jack Black, Will Ferrell, Luke Wilson). They were the

I was pretty astonished that he made even Michael Cera look like a credible action star during those fight sequences.

I'd agree with that. There is a ton of action during the last third of the movie, but those two big car chase set pieces are so fantastic that you just want the entire movie to be packed with more car chases. The only other sequence that compares is the big one-take music set piece described in the review.